A friend of mine is living in Orlando, Florida (he's Lithuanian and won a green card). He hasn't been back for 3 years, and recently has come back home to visit the past co-drinkers :d. So he told me that all locals are raving about chicks coming from the eastern countries (by that I mean eastern Europe and Russia). I do admit that to me Lithuanian girls are the nicest (you should see the photos of my students, for instance - sth to look at!), while the girls in the germanic countries (including England and the Nordic countries) are not really of my taste. So, admitting that tastes differ (I naturally presumed that local chicks are the nicest for local guys), I was very surprised to hear that response, the more as American people are really a melting pot, i.e. a mixture of everything. So, my question is: is there anyone of you who thinks that there are girls (in general) nicer than those living in your own country (immigrants excluded)? As for sw, this could be transformed into the Q about guys
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