At this point, we all should learn German. I bet German words for situations like these actually exist, even if they are a mile long.
You have no idea...
German is quite easy language after all. He who is able to speak Latin and has familiarised himself on ending terms can easily learn the language.
To understand how easy it is let's have a test.
First buy a german book wich tells about the manners of hottentots
(auf Deutsch: Hottentotten).
The book also mentions kangaroos (Beutelratten), which are trapped and put into cages(Kotter), witch are covered with cloth (Lattengitter). These cloth-covered cages are called Lattengitterkotter in germany and when they have kangaroos inside they become (Lattengitterkotterbeutelratten).
Once the hottentots managed to capture a murderer(Attentater), who was prosecuted from murdering a mother(Mutter), of course she was hottentot (Hottentottermutter). The mother had a stupid and bit heavy kid(Stottertrottel). Thats why the germans call the mom (Hottentottenstottertrottelmutter) and his murderer as an (Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater). Police caughts the murderer and locks him temporarily in a kangaroo cage (Beutelrattenlattengitterkotter), but oh no! - Prisoner escapes!
They start to search him immediately and in no time one warrior returns to the village yelling:
" I have captured the murderer (Attentater) "
- " Really ? - Who? " asks chief
- "Lattengitterkotterbeutelrattenattentater", answers the warrior.
- " the one who were kept in a clothed kangaroo cage? "
- "Yeah, he is the one " answers the hottentot "Hottentottenstottertrottelmutterattentater" ( murderer who killed hottentot mutter who had dumb and overweight kid)
- " But in that case you could have just said that the captured man was Hottentotterstottertrottelmutterlattengitterkotter