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Reactor Adventures1+2

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:33 am

Reactor Adventures1+2

I had this idea for a while now, it's been swirling around in my head, so I just had to sit down and get it out, hope you enjoy

Forum Systems A must read

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 7/16/2004 10:44:04 AM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:34 am

4 July 3057
Battleship Reactor
Farris Quadrant
Gemini Sector
Galactic Quadrant Alpha

The docking bay is a bustle of activity. Two transports have just docked. The one from Flight School Diamond and the other from Flight School Black Widow. The people from these two schools did not mix easily. Since they day of their arrival at their respective schools, they have been told that they have to better than the people from the other school. The Confed, although they didn’t approve of this allowed it, as it made for better pilots.

The CO, Todd “Maniac” Marshall, is standing on the bridge staring at the new arrivals, his mind going back to the day he arrived on his first battleship. He was full of hot air, just arriving from academy, having qualified as the best student. Everybody looked up to him, they listened when he spoke. Then came the shock, on the battleship he was treated as nothing, his achievements were never mentioned.

“They look like a fine group” Maniac is brought back from his reverie by the voice of the CAG, Zack “Zero” Zolostro. He turns back to look at the two groups again. “You think we can make respectable warriors out of them Zero?”
Zero doesn’t hesitate before he answers “Yes, sir. We have some of the best officers in the universe on Lancer, these guys will be warriors in no time!”
Maniac turned to his CAG, “You didn’t hear? There is a woman pilot in that group as well.”
Zero blinks, this is news to him “A woman pilot? But that is against Confed’s rules, or it was when checked last.”
“Apparently she snuck in pretending to be a guy. They were halfway through their training before she was found out and it was decided that she was too good a pilot not to be allowed to graduate.”
“So we have to play babysitter now?”
Just as Maniac starts to answer, one of the lieutenants enters: “Sir they are ready for you.”
Maniac looks at Zero “No, I made it clear that we will not be bothered by such trivial stuff. She was allowed to join under condition that she looks after herself. Come, lest check out the recruits from nearby”

The Widows and Diamonds eyed each other carefully. They knew that it was time to show what they had in them; it was time to show which academy is the best. This was where they were transformed into new people, their real names no longer mattered, here they would only be know by their call signs.

The Diamonds at this stage has a better overall performance record, but the Widows have the best pilot and the girl. The Diamonds are all standing in a group discussing the Widows which are doing much the same.
“Check out the girl” Mustang pointed at the girl standing among the Widows. As if she felt their eyes on her she turns in their direction. Upon seeing Mustang pointing in her direction, she sneers and turns her back on them.
“Check out the pink cheeks”
This time the remarks is loud enough to be heard by the Widows, they all turn around, their faces a mixture of expressions. Some shows anger, others anticipation, some mockery and some even fear.

The girl slowly turns around and starts walking in their direction, her face expressionless. She comes to a halt about 4 yards from them, when she starts to speak, her voice is as hard as steel and cold as ice: “One, I don not like being called cute, two, I do not like any reference to my cheeks” She looks at each of them with cold eyes, “consider this your final warning, next time I wont be as nice as I am now.” With that words she turns on her heal and starts walking away.

“We’ll just call you cutie pink-cheeks then”
The girl stops and slowly turns around “Who said that?”
A big gorilla-like man steps forward “I did”
She walks up to him and stands in front of him, her head barely reaching his shoulder: “I told you that I do not like being called cute or reference to my cheeks: that includes being called “cutie pink-cheeks” Consider yourself warned.”
The guy makes an exaggerated curtsey: “Yes Cutie pink- cheeks”
A collective gasp is heard. Nobody know what to expect. The line that was so clearly drawn has been overstepped.
The girl got a slight smile on her face and then kicked the guy against his shin as hard as possible. He hopped around on one foot clutching his shin in his hand, pain showing clearly on his face.
She looked at him with contempt. “Next time I will not be so nice”

Everybody jumps to attention; a voice like this can only belong to a very important person. Maniac slowly walks to the apparent cause of the uproar. Even though there are competition between the two flight schools, he didn’t expect fights to break out so soon. What he saw surprised him, a big guy standing on one foot, an expression of agony on his face. Next to him the infamous girl. Maniac stared at them considering what to do and decided that knowing their names would be helpful, he faced the guy first. “Your call sign?”
“Tawakalna, sir!”
He turned to the girl “Your call sign”
“sycho_warrior, sir!”
Maniac looked from the one to the other: “I want to see the two of you in my office as soon as we’re finished here” He walked away from the group and then turned to address them.

“Welcome to Battleship Reactor. This will be your home for at least the next four years, the only way you can leave before that is through death.” He looked at the faces before him “Now you are two different groups, at the end of this week I want you to be one group, forget the academy rivalries. Out here it doesn’t matter which academy is the better one. Here it is survival that matters and survival depends on trust. Make friends, learn to trust each other. Next meeting is at 18:00, don’t be late.”

He turned away and walked towards his office, he didn’t look forward to the conversation he was about to have. He sat down at his desk and started to look through the list with the names of all the new arrivals on. There is a soft knock on the door and without looking up he says: “Come in and close the door” he continues scanning the list for a while and then looks up at the two standing there on attention. He addresses Tawakalna: “What was going on?”
Tawakalna gives sycho_warrior a sidelong glance and then replies “Miss Cutie pink cheeks here can’t take a joke so she attacked me.”
Without a word sw turned and kicked Tawakalna viciously, right where it hurts the most. Maniac just sits there, his mind empty, he can’t believe what he has just seen, but the proof is in front of his eyes. His attention is drawn by sw jumping to attention.

“Sorry about that, sir. It’s just, they started making comments about me being cute and about my cheeks and I told them that I don’t like it, but then he” She points at Tawakalna, “called me cutie pink-cheeks and I told him that there would be trouble if he did it again. I started walking away, but he called me cutie pink cheeks again, so I kicked his shin and told him that next time I won’t be so nice.”

Maniac was at a loss for words for another minute, but then found himself speaking: “I can see how being called cute and pink cheeks is belittling. The best you can do is ignore it, otherwise they will keep on calling you that and I can hardly issue an oreder that no-one may call you cutie pink cheeks. This time I will not punish you, but I suggest you behave from now on.” He looked at Tawakalna who had gotten up “You need to learn to respect the people you work with, even though sw is a female she will be one of the people flying by your side and then you do not want to wonder if she will give 100% to help protect you. You must know it and there is no way to have that assurance if you keep pestering her, understood? Dismissed.”

As the door closed behind the two, Maniac sighed and started putting the new arrivals in squadrons, he hope these people will be as easily adaptable as his group was.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:16 am

Very nice cpc, very nice

Edit: Just to annoy you

Chant with me: NO MORE CAPS! NO MORE CAPS! NO MORE CAPS! *shakes fist*

Edited by - Nickless: Username Taken on 7/9/2004 11:16:26 AM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:22 am

EDIT: I got it, took me a while but i got it
Shss you I'm the only one allowed making fun off that

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 7/10/2004 12:44:05 AM

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 7/10/2004 12:44:58 AM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:34 am

He said it! Oh oh.......

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:51 am

*opens an umbrella, wile e coyote style*

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:09 am

i wonder what sw'll think of nickless's daft remark *runs for cover* anyway this is good sw i've been too busy to write the last chapter of lancers with having to teach chris about what to do and what not to do on forums

Edited by - Gowserpaul on 7/9/2004 12:11:13 PM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:18 am

I wanna be in it next time you wright please

Your like FD but female

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:15 pm

Nice sw,

ohh and Nickless, on popular demand, someone asked me to thwack you for calling her "cpc" so *thwacks nickless*

Now back on Topic y'all, nothin to see here

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:37 pm

Maniac would never be in a position of such responsibilty, and even if he was, he wouldn't express himself like that. C'mon, it's Maniac! Hawk would have been a better choice, but he's dead of course so what about some of the others, like Flash, or Hunter?

also, why does Taw have to be in every story anyone ever writes? there are lots of other contributors to TLR, he's not a god you know.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:37 pm

Relax, Taw has never been in any of my stories. None of you have for that matter.

Oh, btw, I should warn you that I have develloped a working anti-thwacking shield so your *thwacks* are futile.
Anyway, I just couldn't resist
But I meant what I said, it's a good story.

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:01 pm

taw is one of the most well known and respected members of TLR and has the highest rank a non staff member can achieve. Thats how he is used a lot in our works

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:03 pm

well....Good isn't the right word. Excellent is! Excellent story sw. *Thwacks Nickless* A very excellent story indeed.

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:03 am

Thx y'all, lots off people will be added, so dont worry, I'm going to try to add most ppl in OT

@ Loc Thanks

@ Alfie It's my story and i say Maniac is CO yes his personality is different, it wil be he is in command now, besides I dont want to take the personality exactly as it is, I want to make it like I wnat and need it
You ever heard the saying "jealousy makes you nasty" ?

@Nick my *twacks* goes thro anything they're different from the normal ones

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 7/10/2004 1:21:13 AM

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:15 am

Kick him in the shin

Great story sw.

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