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Worst Accident in your life?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.


Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:06 pm

Worst Accident in your life?

Mine was when i was "fetching" the cat from the garage roof, when the edge of
the roof collapsed (this was 11meters up) and i fell down headfirst to the ground
i broke my Jaw in three places, and the shock nearly turned the lower jawbone
into mush, ouch, not only that but when i got up (this was at the bottom of a 2
Acre garden (in zimbabwe)) i stood on a plank of wood with 3-4 Rusty Nails
sticking out of it, going straight through my foot and narrowly missing the bone!

To this day, that is the only bone i have ever broken.

you guys?

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:13 pm

A toss up between this past Dec, when I cut the end of my thumb off, and they had to reatach the bone, minus 1/8 inch, and sow it back. Won't ever have full movement of it.
4 years ago cutting my arm open 5 inchs long by 1.25 inches deep. It happened at 3:00am on a sunday, and I had to drive myself to the hospital to get 19 stiches. Still have a big scar to this day. It was cut on a piece of glass sticking out of a picture frame that I fell on.

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:34 pm

Being born I'd say.

There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:59 pm

The worst accident I've had? This was almost 4 years ago. I joined the US Army Reserve when I was seventeen(bad idea). On June 1st,2000, I got shipped off to Basic Training at Fort Knox. I managed to make it through basic until the very end when I busted my ankle. I couldn't graduate. Anyway, about two weeks after I got back from Basic, I was heading to my first drill since getting back. It was about 6 a.m. I was driving down the freeway at 65 mph, in an old '69 ford van, one ton, steel frame. Suddenly, my right front tire blew, to this day I don't know why. I went off the right side of the road, hit a hill, caught some air, and when I landed, I rolled three times before coming to a stop on the passanger side. Of course, I don't remember this happening, somebody told me afterwards. What I DO remember was when my eyes opened I was hanging sideways from my seat belt, which didn't have a shoulder trap, by the way. I also remember turning the key off, and walking out through the windshield which was no longer there. Luckily, some people who were driving behind me saw the whole thing and came to help. They had me lay on the ground until the ambulance came. That was my first ride in an ambulance. Damned uncomfortable! I had a neck brace on in case something was damaged, thankfully it wasn't. When I got to the hospital, the doctors called my parents and they came as fast as they could. The doctors said I was fine aside from a splitting headache and a cut on my forehead. It became a permanent scar, because it hasn't gone away yet. And it won't. My dad said to me, if I was to get in a car wreck, it better be in that old steel-framed '69 Ford van, because it would save my life. And it did. If it wasn't for that steel frame, I wouldn't be here telling you about it. That was the closest I have ever come to dying. When people say, "Car accident? That'll never happen to me." I laugh. I said that once, and look what happened. The seat belt is also what contributed to saving my life. Afterwards, I gave a report to the Highway Patrol at the hospital. My parents and I went to scope out the damage done to the van. All the shocks had been SNAPPED in two. The transmission was pretty much destroyed and the engine cover inside car came off in the roll, I'm damn lucky it didn't hit me. The inside was a total wreck. The roof on the passanger side was partially caved in. So, I'm glad I was driving and didn't have any passengers. I'm glad and lucky to be here telling you guys about this, because I still have nightmares about it that won't go away. And when I drive on the freeway, I have to avoid that particular stretch, because it scares the hell out of me.

Don't say, "Oh, that'll never happen to me." Because it COULD and probably will. And it will be bad. So here's a lesson reinforced by experience: Wear your selt belt, it WILL save your life.

"Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived."

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:47 pm

Being born I'd say.

You're such a chipper lad Heltak.

Can't say I've had any real accidents, had a head on collision a few years ago (mate was driving) but only had some minor lacerations from the seat belt. I've done some pretty stupid things though. I locked myself outside one time when I came home drunk of my ass. I decided the best course of action was to climb onto the roof and remove the tiles to get access to the homestead. I was however lacking a ladder (the garage was locked to), so I made this make shift pyramid consisting of a garden table balanced on top of a brick fence. Now anyone who has been nicely toasted knows that walking is enough of a struggle let alone balancing yourself on a table that's perilously teetering on a fence 9 feet above the cement ground below. Anyway with drunken brevado I mounted the pyramid of doom and miraculously wobbled my way up onto the roof.

The next step of the excercise was to remove the roof tiles, now these don't come away with a gentle pull. You have to sweat like a pig to get those puppies off, so by the time I had made a hole big enough to climb through I was drenched in my own sweat. Into the cieling cavity I went, making sure to only tred on the rafters, less you fall through the cieling, not an easy task I can tell you.

Now to my favourite part of the excercise, climbing through the manhole into the house. Now an 8 feet drop doesn't sound like much, but when you're looking directly down, it looks like a bloody long way down. Plus you have the added pleasure of the man hole being just small enough to tear hell out of your sides as you lower yourself down. So with graceless acrobatics of a drunken bum, I lowered myself in the hallway by planting my feet on either side of the walls and leaving some nasty scuff marks on the way down.

After this I had perspired so much that I was completely sober and with a screaming headache. So as I lay there on the floor, I came to wonderfull realisation that I had to climb back up, into the roof, replace the manhole cover, climb back out, replace the tiles and climb back down. After all that I think I slept until 2pm the next day.

Moral of the story: if your drunk and you've locked yourself out, save yourself the hassle and sleep in the fookin dog kennel.

Edited by - Mustang on 6/28/2004 7:06:11 PM

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:03 pm

Being born i'd say

F**k off and die will you, pack your bags, leave a note and throw yourself off a building cause i cant be arsed with this depressed **** around here much longer. What happened man? you break a nail, some girl doesnt fancy you? **** get that smacktard and his ac-dc collection and maybe plan a suicide pact cause that guy sure as **** has nothing to live for either.

sick of the mysery man, life's the most precious gift of all and here you are regretting birth? i bet you light up the fricking parties dont you?

"If i told you a secret you wont tell a soul,
will you hold it and keep it alive"

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:26 pm

worst thing that happened to me? I was out rollerblading, and for some unknown reason, i tried jumping, while skating very fast, i over balanced and landed on something, ripped my arm open at the elbow.

it took the nurse an hour to put the 9 stiches in, as the needle kept bending whenever it went in or came out. plus i was under the maximum safe dosage of local anesthetic possible, and i was still in pain. No bloody wonder, i'd displaced the tendon in my right arm.

Post Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:45 pm

I've only had a couple serious accidents before. The first one was when my foot slipped on some stairs at school and I broke my ankle, funnily enough I thought it was only a sprain and proceeded to walk home on it, probably wasn't a good idea but oh well. The other time was when I was forced to wash part of the roof and I slipped, I managed to save myself from hitting the ground with quick reflexes as I grabbed a hold of the chimney. There were these two wire things keeping the chimney in place too which jutted out from the side of the house, I don't remember it, but I must have tried to grab them too and my hand must have slipped, because they were bent really badly. Even though I wasn't seriously injured in either accident they still qualify, being accidents and all.

People have it all wrong these days, instead of discriminating and hating others for being black or ugly, we should practise fairness and hate every living thing equally.

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:06 am

I am lucky, although like Mustie I have had plenty of opportunities and LOTS of dangerous situations (sawing down trees and tree falling wrong way..... rope snapping as trying to pull a tree into shore of the lake and missing my head by inches as the metal buckle whiplashed back...(another that got away due to sudden wind gusts!). Explosions, car accidents, building problems etc...but through them all i come unscathed. I think the worst i have had was either:
A) Falling off a horse into a stream and grazing my arm/shoulder badly or
Having my mum fall on me when i was small, skiing holiday, teaching me to ski (I could ski okay), but i crossed our skis - and when she fell on my it broke my collar bone.

However, my mates have had enough horrific accidents to see me through without my "quota"

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:15 am

Abrading my thumb when trying to unscrew a bottle of ginger beer .

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:16 am


Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:29 am

@archie - ease up a bit chap, I know where you're coming from but that was a little harsh.

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:42 am

being run over by a bus when I was 11

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:52 am

Arcon is a n00b ;D

Post Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:46 am

1 r t3h n00b3h!

@grom: ahh, it felt good is all. was a bit pent up last night. needed to unload

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