Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:08 pm by TerraN
For as far as I understand it it's not the sattelites and stuff that matters, it is the really small particles like screws, bolts, or even millimeter-sized paint particles.
It doesn't take something big to punch a hole in the hull of for example the ISS station, jsut 1 small fragment less then a millimeter in diameter is enough. It's not he size that matters it's the speed, and most objects our there are moving with hundreds of metres a second.
The big problem is that there are millions, if not billions of those small scrap particles out there wich are impossible to track due to their small size, and just 1 of them can be fatal. Sure the hole will be small and it will take a considerable amout of time before all air would be sucked out so there's more then enough time to plug the hole, but a station is big and if you cannot find it then even a hole less then a millimeter in size could force an evacuation of the station.