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Part-time Jobs

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:46 pm

Well, I can't really top any of that, but I'll give you a lenghty anecdote .

I started off working for "Target" back when I was still at school. It was supposed to be a temporary job, but I was there for about four years. I worked as a "check-out chick" as they are called in the vernacular, and it was not an enjoyable experience. I remember that when I first started, I used to make jokes about the store, and the customers used to love it, because the other "register operators" were quite dour. That was however, until one day... I was on shift and "doing my thing", when this guy came to my register to buy a few things. We chatted (as you do), and I remember him asking me about my employment conditions, and whether or not I was happy at Target. Since the question was highly inappropriate, I decided to make a quip at the expense of the store, and I jokingly replied that it was fine, but it wouldn't mind a bit more money. The next thing I knew, I'd been called in front of one of the managers. He informed me that a Social Worker had complained that the staff weren't getting paid enough, and had then (kindly) fingered me for giving him that impression. The manager asked me if I were happy, and I looked him the eye and told him that if I hadn't been content, I would have left. He backed off straight away, and then ran off somewhere. I guess I must have scared him from the reaction I received . So after that, there were far fewer jokes .

The problem, with the job was that it was so mind-numblingly dull, that it was a form of torture. The worst part was when they would give you a five-hour shift (with a fifteen minute break), and then give you another four or five hours with a one-hour gap in between. They called this a "split shift", because it meant that they didn't have to pay you for a lunch break (bastards). It was even worse when we had to work until midnight on sale days. I used to have nightmares about being on the registers when I got home and went to bed *shudder*.

After about four years of this, they dropped my shifts down to one every fortnight, and then refused to give me any more. They said that it was because of availabiliy, so I fiilled out a form for them and, lo and behold, they didn't have any available shifts for me. Because of this, I was forced to resign. They couldn't fire me because I was very good at my job, and my belief is that I was gettin too expensive to keep on, as they had cheaper fifteen year-olds around who would do the same job but for far less. I went home and decided to draft a polite letter to the Store Manager describing the many problems with the store. I sent the letter off and, to my suprise, I received a letter back from the Manager asking me to come in and discuss the letter with him. I decided that I would, and I went in later that week. Ironically, one of the problems that I had mentioned in the letter was a lack of communication, and when I entered the Manager's office, there was a stranger there. He introduced himself, and apparently, he was the new manager. It turned out that the old manager had left a month prior to this, but only a few (upper Management) people knew . We discussed various aspects of th e letter, and he played a very official line, but couldn't defend half of the problems. At the end, I asked him if I could place the letter (which was respectful, and perfectly reasonable) in the "tea room" so that the other staff could read it, and thus hopefully engage in some constructive analysis. He felt however, that it would be "damaging to morale" and refused. Needless to say, Coles Myer are now my sworn enemies .

Well, that was a nice little trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed it .

Edit I could go into more detail about the ineptitude of the staff, and the money (and consoles) that they stole, but I think I've said enough. For now .

Edited by - brother esquilax on 6/7/2004 3:47:12 PM

Post Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:23 pm

I have sympathy for you Brother E. I worked as a convenience store clerk for a while which is probably better and worse than Target in different areas. My sister was a check-out-chick at Eagle (now it's called Lowe's, and it's a hardware and building supply store) She hated it. One of the worst things was that there's this program to try to bring in out-of-state business. We live in Washington where the sales tax is 8% but next door in Oregon there's no sales tax, so if you live in Oregon you can come up to Washington and buy stuff and if you show your driver's license you don't have to pay sales tax. Anyway the checker had to fill out this form everytime someone from Oregon came through. So if someone was buying a 25 cent sprinkler fitting they could be a **** and say, "I'm from Oregon" and then my sister had to fill out the form so they could save a penny. She really hated it when she'd ring everything through and total it up and at the last minute they'd say they were from Oregon, then she'd have to go back through and retotal everything.

What I really hate is when people are ****s to cashiers for no good reason. I see it all the time, especially at fast food joints. It's like just because the best job a person can find is at McDonald's that gives you the right to be rude to them. I'd get this at the quickie mart. It would be night time and someone wants to get some gas and we made them pre-pay after dark. And they'd get all bent out of shape. Maybe if there were a way to tell which cars had crooks in them we wouldn't have to make the honest people pay up front too. If someone's trying to do a good job then I try to give them a break. Even if the McDonald's guy screws up my order it doesn't do any good to be a ****, usually they'll fall all over themselves to fix what they messed up. Maybe it's the guy's first day, or he can't help it that he's a dummy.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:14 pm

Totally agree, I used to work on a front counter selling health insurance and processing minor claims. Occasionally you'd get an executive w*nker come in to make a claim and he would litterally throw his membership card and account at you without saying a word. After a couple of years of putting up with it, my enthusiasm levels were fairly low. So whenever they'd come in and toss thier card across the counter, I'd pick it up throw it back at them and say "try again". Most of them were so gob smacked that they'd start apologising profusly, quite entertaining actually.

Edited by - Mustang on 6/8/2004 5:15:20 PM

Post Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:10 pm

I wish I could've got away with that Mustang. I do something simliar now at work though. The kiddies come up to the window to pick up (and pay for) their printing, and when they ask for their print-outs, I just stare at them for a while until they remember that they need to tell me their student number. They get very confused sometimes, it is quite amusing .

Post Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:09 am

heh, that particular part of the job is intended to try your patient, it's character building! with your own particularly puritanical lifestyle, you wouldn't like a satisfying job anyway, you might relax and start too indulge in bad habits. This way you can be all uptight and retreat into a shell of organisation and solitude..

..everyone suffers in silence with burdens, the man who drives minicabs down in Old Compton; the Asian man, with his love-hate affair with this racist lying town..

Post Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:16 am

LOL - Brother Esquilax in hair shirt and burlap trousers, standing barefoot on a bed of nails while being accosted by mindless students asking silly questions.... chafing at the misery but determinedly pressing on.


I know what it is! I know what it is!

It's false modesty and false humility!

Edited by - Indy11 on 6/9/2004 6:49:47 AM

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:26 pm

Well I don't have to worry about that anymore; they just fired me *shakes head*. They didn't even have a good reason for it, and I think that they wanted to make an example out of someone. Oh well, the job was grinding my face into the dirt every time I went in, so I don't mind. If anyone REALLY wants to know, I'll tell you the story. See if you agree with my logic .

Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:29 pm

In this thread or a new one?

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:58 am

I think you should go and join a monastery, suit you down to the ground..

Edited by - Tawakalna on 6/11/2004 6:07:29 AM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:02 am

Don't worry Esq, you'll pick something up I'm sure. That job was beneath you anyway.


Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:07 am

I once spent a year working as a teacher at school. I didn't like the job but needed money. There were a couple of occasions when I didn't know what to do (I was young and unexperienced then):
a) three guys in my class turned up totally drunk. Right after them, the cops arrived. It appeared that one of them took his fathers car, all of them got drunk and crashed the car into the neighbors fence. Luckily, I was not in charge of the class, but it was still annoying.
b) I entered a classroomm and saw one chick undressing a classmate guy on the table (it was sth about some bet). It took me some time to figure out what to do - these folks were just several years younger than me, and this was my first class. They calmed down, eventually

Wisdom comes with age. But sometimes age comes alone...

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:13 am

Esq, will keep you in thoughs and pray about the job situation. Maybe a better door will open soon.

Edited by - Finalday on 6/11/2004 5:13:04 AM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:56 am

Well, SQL it is then, eh?

Interestingly, the SQL gnomes I deal with in my company are not that well versed in the networking side of things, or, at least they fob off all network related questions to other network IT specialists... its a monster bureacracy, my IT Dept. Don't know how it plays out for you but your network knowhow may prove to be useful in a surprisingly new way in the SQL world.

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:03 am

" its a monster bureacracy, my IT Dept"

hmmm wonder why that is?

I'll let you into a secret - all It depts are like that if they are allowed to be, because we can use the bureaucracy to avoid doing any work, until it suits us. Then we moan about under-resourcing, until we get more cash and more staff, then still don't do any work, until it suits us. And, as we're only interested in ourselves and computers, we actually don't give a monkeys about the rest of the company.

except for Esq who really tried to be helpful, and got fired. Unlike me who is obstructive, negative, lazy, unhelpful- and almost indispensable. Come, learn the ways of the Dark Side, young Esquilax...

.."Give in to lust,
Give up to lust, oh heaven knows we'll Soon be dust"..

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:07 pm

Mustang - Thanks. It really wasn't really worth my time, and now I have an extra incentive to pick up a decent job, and then have one of the guys at my ex-work to mention it to the bastard in question just to see his reaction .

Final - Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm feeling lucky this week, but perhaps that's because I don't have any shifts to worry about .

Indy - Aye, SQL for me it would seem, but we'll see. It has almost been two weeks, and they haven't contacted me, but they are sending out letters to about 100 people, so that might explain the delay *crosses fingers*.

Zlo - I hear ya .

Taw - We'll see . I'm sure that I'll pick up some vices and bad habits in the future. After all, I think that I need to be ground down into the ground a bit more before I truly embrace the darkside . You were right though; the IT industry IS full of backstabbing conniving bastards . *Shakes head*


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