Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:04 am by Ugnaught
Are you saying that fast food chains are addicting people to their food? No one makes you buy a big mac. They offer a product, completely legal, and certified safe to eat by the FDA, and USDA(or similar government agency for those of you outside the USA). It's up to you to buy or not buy it. At the root of this contraversy is the idea that people are too stupid to know what's good for them, and that someone needs to shut down fast food places to save us from our own ignorance. These places aren't keeping secrets about what's in their food. I used to go to McDonalds a lot but I don't anymore because they keep raising their prices. Plus they're getting rid of supersize, and I liked supersize. Now my favorite burger is at Jack in the Box, and their cheese is really good too. Maybe I'll live a little longer if I eat rice cakes and tofu but that's my decision.
As for low fat alternatives, there's always been lowfat alternatives, it's called the produce aisle at the supermarket. The people who want low fat food don't go to fast food places anyway. People go to fast food places because they want something that tastes good. If these chains succumb to pressure and make everything they sell totally healthy (and not good) then they'll really feel the hurt. Do we expect people to say to themselves, "I really want a burger, but these guys don't have them anymore. I could go to the place down the street that still sells burgers, but that's too much work, I'll just stay here and have a crummy salad."
Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!