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Forum Systems

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:38 am

Forum Systems

I was bored so I did this, hope at leat one person finds it interesting!

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/7/2004 11:42:40 AM

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:44 am

This is a freelancer-based story; there is a good side and a bad side and also a side who is neutrals with both. This is extreme fiction if what happens in this story is contrary to what you know is true, don’t give it thought I'm not trying to be correct in anyway about anything. Some stuff like ships and planets etc will be taken from fl. This is just a story to enjoy so sit back and relax. As you will see most of the characters got their descriptions from their names, please take note that I'm not trying to let anybody look bad, it’s just a story and it’s not reflecting what I think you are.

sycho_warrior a psycho girl giving everyone trouble, always messing everything up, sometimes with good outcome

Sir Spectre a very good fighter and writer, always brightens everyone’s day, wears HUGE glasses

Zlo a good fighter with an obsession of toilets

Eraser An extraordinary fighter, he erases all ships he fights against.

Nickless a weapons seller traveling with all his merchandise, his mother forgot to give him a name

kimk a highly intelligent student who dropped his studies to be a freelancer

Darkstone A pilot with a ship that throws other ships with stones once their shields are down

Eh_Steve a merchant flying around selling commodities, trying to cheat everybody. Known for saying 'eh' every 3 words

Mustang gathers loot in and after fights and then sells it known for his huge mustage

Gromit A grumpy bear like individual, known for crushing people's ribs in bar fights

Bargib Ruler of all the systems

Electric Brain A human who received electronic implants in his brain

): Wolf Demon A very good pilot who has wolfs for pets

The Evil Thing he was born evil, started the bad side

Rilms A filmmaker who turned fighter pilot

Freighter Fighter A maniac using a freighter to fight

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/10/2004 12:19:53 AM

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:45 am

Nickless was traveling to Manhattan to buy some new weapons when he heard a distress call over the general comms channel. He almost decided to ignore it and fly on, but the thought of making new friends, which meant new connections which meant better weapons, made him turn and go toward the origin of the call.

When he arrived he was astounded to find two ships that were attacking another ship! He could not remember off something like that ever happening before in his lifetime, sure people had their differences, but they would never attack each other in space.

"Well I'm sure a heck not going to join that fight", he thought, " if Bargib hears about this he will ban us from the systems, no more living in the freelancer community". He could not imagine what it would be like living without being part of the freelancer community.

He was still getting over the shock of seeing ships fighting when he saw something orange from the corner of his eye.
"What the heck is that" was the first thought that entered his mind. Then he saw that is was actually a ship, an extremely strange looking ship. "Who in his right mind paint a ship bright eye-hurting orange?" was his second thought.
He didn’t know what to think or do anymore, he was witnessing the first fight in the history of the Forum systems and now he was seeing a ship/thing/monster, painted bright orange. He thought that he had his dose of astonishment for the day, when the orange ship started shooting like crazy. It seemed like the pilot didn’t even care about who or what he hit.

The two attackers, flying in Titans, must have thought that the orange ship was shooting at them, they suddenly started to flee, leaving the other ship, an eagle to lick its wounds.

"Oh what the heck", did he think and opened his comms channel. "Eagle this is Nickless, identify yourself"

"Didn’t flush the toilet, didn’t flush the toilet" Nickless could not believe his ears, why was this guy going on about a toilet? They were in mid-space. He decided to try again: "Eagle this is Nickless identify yourself!"

A shaky voice came back to him: "Zlo, I'm Zlo, thanks for the help"

"Uhm its a pleasure, always willing to help out you know" Nickless decided that it could be a good thing if this guy, Zlo, thought that it was he who helped.


Once more that day Nickless was astounded, although this time the word flabbergasted would be more appropriate. He could not believe it, first of all somebody dared to contradict him something that hadn’t happened in a very long time. Second of all, it was the voice of a girl!

"Liar!" This time she said it with more force. "You didn’t do anything and you know it!"

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:47 am

"What was that?"
"I have no idea; I’ve never seen anything like it."

A thunderstruck Rilms and ): Wolf Demon were flying away from the fight as fast as they could.

“I thought The Evil Thing said it would be a piece of cake” Rilms was livid.

“Hey calm down Rilms, maybe you should try to do less 007 stuff and fly like a fighter should, this is not Modlywood you know” ): Wolf Demon was just as angry, but not just at the outcome of the fight. “Why did I get saddled up with this stupid film maker” he thought, “the guy should never have left his stage in Modlywood, he cant even fly properly.”
“Whoa ok lady no need to get so agitated” Nickless was still trying to recover from the double dose shock he just received. “Who are you btw?”

“No need to get agitated! You are the one who came here lying!”

In his ship Zlo was just as astonished. He was saved by a girl! What would his friends say about this?! This would never be flushed down the toilet!

“Well you may be the one who saved the day, but they way you were shooting you could have easily killed my buddy Zlo here.” Nickless was becoming angry as well now. “And why is your ship painted orange in anyway do you want to be easily seen and shot at?”

“The colour of my ship has nothing to do with you, you dumb…”
“Hey you two just calm down okay” Zlo’s voice was still a bit shaky when he interrupted the girl’s angry flow of words. “Look lady I don’t know who you are and but I appreciate you trying help, but it is true what Nickless said, the way you were shooting you could just as well have killed me if those two didn’t get scared when they did.”

“Fine be ungrateful, I’ll make sure to tell Bargib that as well when I report this incident” with that words she engaged cruise engines and disappeared

“Women! Common Zlo your ship looks like it needs some repairs I’ll escort you to Manhatten”


“The meeting will take place Tomorrow at 10:00 on Planet Forum, please try your best to attend it.”
“Stupid Bargib, doesn’t he realise that such a sudden move from planet to planet can fry my circuits?” Electric Brain was annoyed. Now he had to travel from Omricon Alpha al the way to New York to attend a meeting about who-knows-what.


“Please take your seats, and SHUT UP!” Bargib was losing his patience, it was 10:30 and the people were still chatting and ignoring him. At last they were silent.
“It was brought to my attention that recently there was incidents where some ships attacked others” Pandemonium broke lose, everybody wanted to say something at once.

“I’ve heard about it as well, I say we have a band of terrorists under us!” The people standing around Gromit silently made space around him, he was known for crushing the ribs of people he didn’t like.

“We have to find out who they are, where they are hiding and erase them at once!” Eraser also made his voice heard.

“Yes we can call it…uhm …uhm..” for once kimk was searching for words At last he turned to Sir Spectre “ Sir Spectre you’re the man who knows his words what shall we call it?”

“What about OffTopic” Sir Spectre saw that the people did not understand the logic behind the name. “Well, something like this has never happened before, it was never even discussed before, therefore it is actually off-topic don’t you agree?”

“Fried circuits, fired circuits, burning circuits…”
Oh shut up you useless piece of cyborg”
Everybody turned to see Freighter Fighter slapping Electric Brain
“What do you think you are doing?!” Bargib was furious “Leave him alone!” he shouted and then after a few seconds of pondering: “EB if you are experiencing problems with your circuits we should consider taking them out”

“No no I’m fine really just leave my circuits alone please oh please oh please!”

“Hmm I thought so” Bargib was satisfied to see that he had everybody’s attention again.
“I think Eraser has a good idea there, we’ll form a faction and we’ll name it OffTopic, those who want to join, say so now. You have to realise that it will not be fun and games, you will putting your lives on the line here.” Bargig waited a few seconds before he asked: “Who want to join?”

“I will join” Eraser
“So will I” Sir Spectre
“Count me in” Zlo
“And me! And me!” Heads turned when they heard the voice of a female. “What you guys think that I cant do it?”

Bargib sighed, he knew sycho_warrior and the way she tended to mess up “OK sw you can join just remember if you mess up we will probably not be able to help you.”

“I think I’ll just stay out of it all” Nickless decided that he was not trading his business for fighting, this would be too good a chance to make money.

Nearby Mustang and Eh_Steve were thinking along the same lines.

“Yes it wouldn’t do if we all started fighting all of a sudden” There was no objections, if kimk spoke people listened, he was not known as a highly intelligent person for nothing.

“I’m not going to join OffTopic, but if I hear a call for help I will go to help” Everybody nodded when they heard Darkstone’s words, that would be good.

Freighter Fighter was standing alone thinking: “hmm I’ll have to talk to TET first, but I don’t think he will object about having a mole on the good side” Aloud he said “I’ll think about it and then let you know what my decision is.”

“Well if there is nothing more I think we can call this meeting to a close” Bargib was happy with the way things went. “Eraser you will be in command of OffTopic,I now leave it in your capable hands. I now declare this meeting officially closed”

“You say its called OffTopic?” The Evil Thing was thoughtfull.
“Yes Spammaster TET, they want to find and exterminate us, that’s why I thought maybe I could act as a spy, then we can take advantage of their plans.”
“Freighter Fighter I like men with brains, go through with your plan, just make sure they do not find you. Here is a Quit pill, it works within seconds, if they catch you, just place it under your tongue. Good luck, may the spam be with you”

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

Sorry about the multiple posts, couldnt get it in otherwise

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/7/2004 11:48:53 AM

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:08 am

Not really bad at all. Love to see more if you keep the story going.

"L'Chaim - To Life!"

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:36 am

I love Zlo's description and this great quote

“Fried circuits, fired circuits, burning circuits…”
Oh shut up you useless piece of cyborg”
Everybody turned to see Freighter Fighter slapping Electric Brain

The thought of ff hitting a moderator upside the head!

Sir S

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:37 pm

You really caught me in this. I think I'll just sit this one out. *turns to Mustang* Is this Upper Deck, Lower Deck or General Admission?

Signature? What's that?

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:38 pm

LOL. I agree SnS, that would be quite a sight.

@SW - I don't quite get the groupings. I guess I am reading things to literally but RILMS and ff never struck me as being all that evil. Evil Thing neither.

As for Wolfy.... he may seem to be many and disparate things but, again, not all that evil. Anyway, an amusing read.


Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:40 pm

@ Finalday Thx
@ Eh_Steve should I take you out?
@ Indy well hmm as I said its not meant personally, I just made up the characters along the way, it is not that I think they are evil, it just ended up that way.
I hope none of you takes this personally

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

ps I probably won't be on the www again untill Friday, so I wont be able to change anything before then, just so you know

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/7/2004 1:43:18 PM

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/7/2004 2:03:04 PM

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:25 pm

No, I meant for my character to be the one who sits out, watches and points out everyone's stupid mistakes. I'm also the guy who plays "mojo" If you know what that is. He sells info on each side to the opposite side. Kinda like in CTF he sells info on flags.

Signature? What's that?

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:26 pm

Eraser An extraordinary fighter, he erases all ships he fights against.

Well, I'm glad you are putting me in the spotlight If you didn't, I might had to edit your post or maybe even lock/delete it

LOL, seriously though, good story. Let's see what else you come up with...

"Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Moderator craves not these things. The deepest commitment he must have, the most serious mind."

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:29 pm

Eh_Steve well to tell the thruth I dont know yet what your char is going to do, maybe you will help the good guys most of the time it just depends on what kind of character I need when. As for being a cheat, I just thought there had to be someone like that, cant remember why it was you, as I said nothing personal
Maybe it was because your char says eh all the time

oh and I dont think your char is going to point out everyones mistakes, I havent even thought about that, amybe I'll do it once in a while

Computers are machines that help use solve problems we wouldn't have if we didn't have computers!

Edited by - sycho_warrior on 4/7/2004 2:30:58 PM

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:43 pm

Great story. Keep up the good work, sw (saw you don't like to be called "SW", right? )

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 2:37 pm

*cough splutter cough*

Gromit A grumpy bear like individual, known for crushing people's ribs in bar fights

*clears throat* AHEM! EXCUSE ME!?!

Is this really the impression I give off??!! LOL! errr. ok!!??? 8)

*grumble*Join TLR they said...lots of fun they said...everyone's really nice they said...*grumble grumble*

Post Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:17 pm

@Gromit, you'll always be General Gromitello to me! )

Sir Spectre

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