Outdated computers
Ive go a P4 2GHz system witha a 80G HDD and 256RAM.
This system would be considered 'out of date'
Im running 9 programs at the moment (FL server, IFLSO, 3 IEs, Messenger and Task manager) and still have 74Mb of Ram left unused!
Only crap thing is my graphics card, it freezes up alot, what would you reccomend for a real hardcore gamer?
And another thing while im on the topic: One of the computers at school(High end P2 2.6GHz) has a real problem with its processor cooling system, play GTA3 for <5 minutes and it gets hotter than 60 Degrees Centigrade!
Just out of curiosity: is 42 Degrees Centigrade A bit hot for a P4 2.0GHz? its just sitting idle...
Small things entertain small minds, while smaller minds look on in wonder.
Screw temporal paradox, im interfering!
Oh look, im a Commander now!
Edited by - Arania - The Emperor on 3/30/2004 1:27:58 AM