>>>>>Start Ego Spree<<<<<<
Okay, I own three pieces of flashy equipment= A brand new outdated computer, a sweet little mountain bike (26" tires on a frame for 24"
, and an awesome cheap drumset. It sucks to look at, old dew cans all over the desk, dust on the bike, and the set is just cheap; but if someone complains about my stuff, they can duel me in FL or fight me in C&C Generals, race me on my bike, or see who can drum a roll that sounds like it's forty people doing it perfectly.
>>>>>>End Ego Spree<<<<<<
Okay, the moral of the story is
It's not what it is, it's how you use it
Edit: To continue what Finalday was saying: You know your dotcom business is failing when the CEO says that he might be out of his twenties when he has to retire.
Edited by - Eh_Steve on 3/21/2004 7:36:23 AM