Great Scott...
"Oh Arcon, your sooooooo funny" is prooobably what your thinking right now and well you should. But what in the lords name brought on this bout of comedic genius you may ask?
Well it just so happened that the Thunderbirds trailer is out over at the official site
im thinking this is gonna be a total lame film but really damn cheesy in a retro future kinda way. i dunno, maybe it'll rock. the video looks ok for a sfx point of view, and Bill Paxton is in it so yay!
"Ambition makes you look pretty ugly.
Kicking, screaming, gucci little piggie"
EDIT: No need for ALL CAPS in the subject line AND you know better Arcon.
Edited by - Stinger on 3/19/2004 2:43:26 PM