X2: The Waste of Time
It has some neat features and I like the ideas of customizing ships, building bases, space-walking from one ship to another, owning as many ships as you can afford, and so forth, but the ship control and combat is so poor and unrealistic for a space-sim it's a real let down after Freelancer.
The one thing the game did do for me is make me really appreciate the quality of Freelancer, the storyline, the voice acting, the animation and believability of the characters from the way they move to the way the speak to the expressions on their faces. Ok...Trent does say some rather lame things when introducing himself to others but I'm not going there.
I'll bet this topic has come up before, but honestly I think you guys that run this site need to lay off a bit when it comes the the topics brought up. There are a number of new people here and were not going to go back ten months or search the archives for some antiquated posts. It may be your sick of hearing about this or that, but if folks don't like a subject it quicky moves down the list anyway.
Perhaps if you all didn't kill the X2 discussions brought up over the last couple weeks It would of been easier to find out how crappy the game is.
I'm amazed how the reviews of the game on the internet all rave about it. They call it "the next Freelancer" etc. It's forums like this that give us the real skinny on what's going on out there for space sims.