Yep, another cry for PC techie help
This isn't so much about fixing a problem as preventing it from happening again.
For some reason, something is randomly disabling the soundcard in the BIOS settings on my other PC. I'm sure it won't be a virus since it has been isolated from the internet and other sources. It has happened twice now in a month, the first time round we didn't know what to do, so my Dad took it to work to pull a favour with one of the PC technicians and get it fixed. Now my dad is a pretty highly strung character and I got plenty of grief from him when it happened the first time. This time my brother and I used it all day and had no problems, my Dad gets on and the sound ceases to work, so he blames us, threatens to get rid of the PC if we don't fix it fast, shouts at us about his stress at work and starts talking about taking it all the way up to London again even though the trip would mean he would have to carry it a long way with his screwed up knee. So as you can see, I'm pretty desperate to figure out what's causing it.
It's an HP AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz running windows ME
it has one of those annoying integrated volume controls in the keyboard if thats of any help. When it messed up the games installed on the PC at the time were IL2-Sturmovik, No One Lives Forever, Unreal Tournament, Worms Armageddon, Freelancer and Sacrifice. Sacrifice had been just installed at the time, but i'd played it before on the PC without a problem about a year ago.
Otherwise the machine is fairly empty since we had to reformat it a little while ago.
Other specs: 256 MB RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4600 graphics card
I couldn't find out what model the soundcard was though.
While I'm at it, does anyone know why Musicmatch jukebox (an mp3 player that came with the PC package) seems to affect the general volume of the speakers? and how I might be able to stop it from doing so?
For example; if I watch a DVD on the PC, i may find it is still too quiet with max volume, but if I open up musicmatch jukebox and use the volume settings there I can crank it up to quite a loud volume?!
Anyway, I know my requests are garbled and pretty vague, but you'd be doing me a real big favour if you can help me out.
I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!
For some reason, something is randomly disabling the soundcard in the BIOS settings on my other PC. I'm sure it won't be a virus since it has been isolated from the internet and other sources. It has happened twice now in a month, the first time round we didn't know what to do, so my Dad took it to work to pull a favour with one of the PC technicians and get it fixed. Now my dad is a pretty highly strung character and I got plenty of grief from him when it happened the first time. This time my brother and I used it all day and had no problems, my Dad gets on and the sound ceases to work, so he blames us, threatens to get rid of the PC if we don't fix it fast, shouts at us about his stress at work and starts talking about taking it all the way up to London again even though the trip would mean he would have to carry it a long way with his screwed up knee. So as you can see, I'm pretty desperate to figure out what's causing it.
It's an HP AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz running windows ME
it has one of those annoying integrated volume controls in the keyboard if thats of any help. When it messed up the games installed on the PC at the time were IL2-Sturmovik, No One Lives Forever, Unreal Tournament, Worms Armageddon, Freelancer and Sacrifice. Sacrifice had been just installed at the time, but i'd played it before on the PC without a problem about a year ago.
Otherwise the machine is fairly empty since we had to reformat it a little while ago.
Other specs: 256 MB RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4600 graphics card
I couldn't find out what model the soundcard was though.
While I'm at it, does anyone know why Musicmatch jukebox (an mp3 player that came with the PC package) seems to affect the general volume of the speakers? and how I might be able to stop it from doing so?
For example; if I watch a DVD on the PC, i may find it is still too quiet with max volume, but if I open up musicmatch jukebox and use the volume settings there I can crank it up to quite a loud volume?!
Anyway, I know my requests are garbled and pretty vague, but you'd be doing me a real big favour if you can help me out.
I am the signature virus! Copy me into your signature so that I can take over the world! Moohahahee!