the Sargasso Sea is a very strange phenomenon that is basically a vast floating "forest" of seaweed, if you like, and it stinks too. Its very big and is surrounded by the circulating waters of the Gulf Stream to the north and the Tropic of Cancer to the south, but itself its in the eye of the currents. Oddly it isn't afaik made by the currrents as such, the weed is native to that part of the ocean and is found nowhere else on earth, and is "trapped" there by the currents. The prevailing weather system is known as the Doldrums, or to past generations of sailors, the Horse Latitudes. The sea itself other than for the weed is relatively devoid of life, not many fish, lots of crabs n snails and stuff (imagine a dirty beach after the tide ahs just gone out and you've got it, exceot no beach) It has decieved many sailors inc luding I believe Columbus into thinking they were close to shore, in reality its a long long way to the American coast, also it seems because of the weed that the sea must be shallow there, in fact it's extremely deep!
lots and lots of tales of ships going missing there, long before Bermuda Triangle nonsense came about. It is very very bizarre to see when you fist see it, but no more bizarre imho than many other natural sights and phenomena. from the air it looks like land, apparently, thus explaining why aircraft got lost (again no aliens necessary) Also the weed can foul propellors on smaller vessels.
it's really not a very interesting place really, unless you're a marine scientist, or a ufo loony, or have a seaweed fetish.
@Ed, ha ha ha i didn't see that one coming, oh no
Edited by - Tawakalna on 2/26/2004 12:05:59 PM