I am kinda power hungry over every proccess on my pc. even though i have enough memory i still disabled alot of the "services". Note its NOT only memory you lose its cpu time.
msconfig is the way to go. To learn about your computer and know what his doing. If you afraid of it... well i suggest you buy PlayStation.
ps. msconfig doesnt remove services it disable them and unless you enable the service it cant run.
Unlike the other way when you put it on "manual" it can be run anyway(trojan will activate them again). or worse when you only stop it and it will run again on next restart or request.
msconfig is the way to go. To learn about your computer and know what his doing. If you afraid of it... well i suggest you buy PlayStation.
ps. msconfig doesnt remove services it disable them and unless you enable the service it cant run.
Unlike the other way when you put it on "manual" it can be run anyway(trojan will activate them again). or worse when you only stop it and it will run again on next restart or request.