How popular is Lancers Reactor? ...
This graph shows that it was quite popular around March - April, a drop, before it entered the popularity-chart again in June. Any reason for this, except that the summer-holidays began in June and that it was released in March? Lastly, I've noticed that it was sporadic traffic in December, before a huge peak lately. Maybe because of the desire to see an expansion-set with a continuation of the story-line.....
Norse Player
PS.I have Alexa's reg. installed, so this might affect the reading on Alexa, not everybody has it, and there might have been much greater traffic than shown at the graph.
PPS.Reply to '"What are you getting at here?" - well, 1) one reason is to show that there's an instrument that can show how popular a certain website are, 2) show the traffic at Lancers Reactor, and not surprisingly it shows most traffic around when Freelancer was released, 3) Incentive to NOT drop Lancers Reactor as a future website visiting, but to draw strength knowing this. And 4), because I thought it would be fun
Edited by - Norse Player on 1/23/2004 9:23:21 PM - graph not shown, decided to KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid)
Edited by - Norse Player on 1/23/2004 9:24:36 PM
Edited by - Norse Player on 1/23/2004 9:34:16 PM