and on that subject, why do women insist on flushing them down the toilet, thus blocking the drains? I ended up paying so much to plumbers that i decided to get my own set of drain rods. Need any drains unblocking, anyone?
Not being able to work Hotmail despite valiant efforts by me to impart the miniscule amount of knowledge needed. Several times a night I am regaled with cries of "I want to send an e-mail!" from upstairs AND downstairs, occasionally resulting in mother/daughter confrontations as to who's communication and/or problem gets my priority attention (it's just like being at work

another gripe.. car park charges? are they taking the p*ss? it's now almost £5 to park for an hour in our city centre, yet all the car parks are cr*p and there are rarely any new ones. So where does the money go, considering that ostensibly the revenue from parking fees is spent on improving the car parks and their security and safety. Bull.
And the council tax is going up again, 6.2%, while the services get fewer and worse. Labour can s*d off, i'm not voting for them again (well I prob will because the local Councillor is me mate from over the road, and he's head of the PTA at the little uns sschool, where we're both governors)
Oh yeh i've had me wing mirror kicked off again, that's the third time in 12 months, I even caught em on security camera this time, but the cops aint done nothing. it's nearly £200 a shot to replace my wing mirrors, so it's not worth losing me no-claims over, but with bodywork repairs and all I've spent nearly a grand because of stupid little evil b*st*rds, and indirectly another £300 on security cameras and a video capture card.