Aleks... I know that what you're going through is tough, but you need to understand what is happening. People are individuals, with specific needs, idea(l)s, attitudes, etc., and you cannot expect two people to be 100% compatible and get along perfectly every day of their lives... There must come a time when all the fights that didn't happen accumulate enough "electricity" to spark a big one...
It's only natural that you feel sad, angry, frustrated because of this, but you also need to know that your parents love you and always will, no matter what... This is a passing inconvinience, and when it's over, everything will be back to normal, maybe even better (now that a certain amount of "steam" has been blown off).
One more thing: do not interfere. You could become a "target" yourself. Your parent will realise that they're hurting you, and they are bound to stop because of you... Just be patient and don't do anything stupid, ok?
Kakav si ti to Srbin kad se tako lako iznerviras i razocaras? Osim toga, u dusi svakog Balkanca je plamen koga je tesko kontrolisati, ali isto tako, taj plamen je izvor intenzivne, slovenske ljubavi koju nikako ne moze uzdrmati sitnica kakva je povremena/privremena svadja u kuci... Ajde sad, pokazi to tvoje lavovsko srce i predji preko ovoga - samo jos jedne rupe na putu zivota...
Bice sve u redu... Cuvaj se, OK?
Careful what you wish... You just might get it