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An outcast story by Reilles

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Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:11 pm

An outcast story by Reilles

Well , i have been thinking of writing a story about the life of an outcast and i have given in to the temptation of writing one.
Feel free to give me ideas as i do not know how good this first bit is going to be. So here goes...(Im starting of with the history , then it moves into the present time)

During the war between the Coalition and the Alliance 5 sleeper ships were launched by the Alliance to begin a new civilisation away from the fighting. They were named the Hispania the Rheinland the Bretonia the Kusari and the Liberty. Four of these sleeper ships reached their destination , one did not , this was the Hispania it is known that some mutiny took place onboard. Half of the crew left in the escape pods these became known as the Corsairs the remainder of the crew continued to stay abroad the crippled sleeper ship and these are called the Outcasts until they found a suitable habitat , otherwise known as planet Malta , this is where the journey begins.

800 years later the Sirius system has flourished...

Balboa he was known by , no one knew his real name or why he had randomly raided tradelanes , it was only known that he was an Outcast. Wanted by the Bounty Hunters Guild for no less than 500'000 credits. Balboa was a great pilot but no doubtly aided by the cardamine drug that he had grown addicted too. Never the less he was excellent at making smoking wrecks out of any man and ship who stood in his way.
The Sabres engine roared , it moved as if it knew what Balboa's thoughts were , he Balboa had just been jumped by 2 Bounty Hunters in Hammerhead ships as he was making his way back through the gas cloud to his home planet and there was no way he was going to let any of them draw another breath after attacking him. He plunged the throttle forwards as his hands eased on the ships triggers , his Pyros weapons firing into the hull of one of the Hammerheads , shrapnel flew as he fired another shot. The enemy pilot screamed as his cockpit burned , one cannonball missile was enough to silence him forever.
Balboa , quick as a flash inserted another cardamine sachet into his inhaler which was attched to his face. The next Hunter tried to get around him , but Bal swirled around sending another cannonball missile which immidietly took down the Hunters shield. A few short bursts of his Pyros ensured the man was dead.

Balboa grinned "Another two for the kill board" he thought to himself as he watched the Bounty Hunter's ship explode. He clicked his dashboard and scanned about , a few weapons were still intact from the wreckage , Bal initiated his tractor beam , and with a satisfieing thud it was suddenly inside his cargo bay. The gas cloud was hard to see through but Bal's instinct told him where to find his home planet Malta after all he had been there many times.

"If i remember quite rightly it should be somewhere around..." he paused for a moment fumbling about with his Sabres dashboard "Here" he finished off with clicking a waypoint button. The minimap on the left hand side of the cockpit told him where he needed to go.
Taking the controls once more he headed to his new destination , hoping once more that he could see his beloved homeland...

Well if you have read this can you tell me what you think ? Thanks and any suggestions are welcome.

"There cannot be peace in these times"

Edited by - Reilles on 29-12-2003 19:36:08

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:20 pm

Quite good, nice story.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:34 pm


What are you planning to create? A novel? A short story? A movie?

Reason why I ask is because depending on what you are planning there are
some differences in comment that you could get. Not knowing what your plan is, it may be difficult for people to say yea or nay to what you've got.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:14 pm

Novel maybe lol , Movie uh nah.

I am going to write it in short sections like the above.

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:36 am

movies eh? lets talk my friend....

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:46 pm

Here is the next part of it...

Balboa's Sabre kicked into to cruise and speeded towards the set waypoint.

The gas cloud lightened up and Balboa could see the large sphere of the planet Malta grow bigger , then he was out in the open , the gas cloud had passed.
Balboa was open mouthed , never before had he wanted to land on Malta as much as this , the cardamine he had craved for.

Faster the Sabre zoomed towards the planet , two other Sabre's passed him , no doubt on a patrol. Malta was huge a grim planet , but home to the cardamine drug , and that was good enough for him. Balboa headed towards the docking ring slowly admiring his home.

When he reached the large docking rings he saw three ships hurling towards him from out of the gas cloud in which he had came from...
"This is Raiders white-1 request permission to dock" Balboa grunted over the ships comm link.
"Permission denied white-1 , we are detecting hostile ships moving to your position we are dispatching a wing of fighters to help you out stand by" came the reply.
"Same old , same old" mumbled Balboa to himself. He took his Sabre into a nosedive and pulled up facing the enemy ships , another set of Bounty Hunters.
"You guys just dont quit do you" Balboa hailed the Hunter leader , no reply came "Oh well this is slightly unfair , maybe ill use only my Pyros" he smirked.

At that Malta's docking rings opened up and four Sabre's hovered out.
"White-1 this is Red-4 here for the assist" Red leader groaned.
"Ok lets take these guys out" Retorted Balboa as he thrust his Sabre forwards firing his Pyros. The Hunters where not like the others , no these were more hard to get a lock on. One of the Hunters was taking on two Sabres by himself whilst another was taking on the other two , Balboa was left to destroy the leader.
The Hunter leader moved in and out of Bal's shots with difficulty and took heavy damage to his shields.
"I cant shake him i cant get him off me i cant...." One of the Sabres had gone down in a hail of laser fire , the other Sabre was locked in a vicious dogfight with the attacker.
Balboa fired a cannonball missile at the Hunter leader finally with satisfaction watching it burn up. Another Hunter ships was blown away by the combined force of the two Sabres taking him on.
The remaining Hammerhead blew off Red leaders left wing with a burst from his Winchesters , but Bal stopped the Hunters rampage when he eased his fingers on the triggers and the Hunter screamed over the comm before joining his fellow comrades.

The remaining members of Red-4 started the clearup mission with tractoring anything that was salvagable as Balboa landed on the planet....

There is the second part.

"There cannot be peace in these times"

Edited by - Reilles on 30-12-2003 13:47:46

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:59 pm

That would be a novel...
There should be a LR store, or something...
So, if you do publish it, people can get at it...

Mmmmmm... SPAM... yummy

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:14 pm

Great Work
TLR store? Wouldn't that cost more money to setup than it is worth?

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:28 pm

Not an actual building... just an online thing... like they have at or something like that (havent used that site much, so I can only guess how it works).

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:15 pm

Well, this is some nice work Reilles. Very Good

Self improvement is masturbation ---Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:08 pm

Well i will continue it tomorrow... Thanks for all the nice comments.

"There cannot be peace in these times"


Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:04 pm

man that is real good... you must continue... really
me gonna read it again now!

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:01 pm

Balboas Sabre headed towards the spaceport landing bays...

Balboa turned his head in the cockpit looking about at the different types of ships whizzing past him. There were eagles , drones , all types except for the Corsair ships , any person having the guts to land on Malta in a Corsair ship is likely to have their head blown off.
Balboa shuddered "Corsairs , nothing more than traitors" he thought as he became closer to the spaceport.

Balboa landed his Sabre on an un-used bay and watched as two mechanics rushed towards him.
"Can i help you with anything , for a small amount of credits of course" said the one.
"Yes , we will upgrade your ship immidietly" beckoned the other. Balboa thought for a moment of about 0.5 milliseconds before replying "Touch my ship even accidently and i will show the beautifull view of outside space without a suit".
The mechanics looked uneasy and backed away as Balboa looked about.

The docking bay was large and opposite him was giant doors , remembering he had to go through them to get to the bar , he made his way. The doors opened outwards towards him and he stepped back in admiriation.
"Home sweet home" Balboa chuckled to himself as he paced himself forwards and through the doors into an even bigger room , it was filled with a few things an equipment dealer , commodity trader and most of all...a bar. Balboa glanced about and noticed the small bar in the corner of the establishment and began to proceed towards it.

There was a loud smash as two men fell out through one of the bars windows , one of the men was punching the other and the other one had the man who was punching him in a headlock. They both fell to the floor fighting...
"Thats odd" Balboa said as he stepped over the two and entered the bar , inside there was three other people , the bartender was washing a mug behind the counter , a woman was sipping her drink watching the new arrival out of the corner of her eye and a man was reading something of a virtual news digipad.
Amid the cries of anger and rage from the people fighting outside he walked towards the bartender.

"Yeah , what do you want" the bartender had a raspy voice and didnt even turn to look at Balboa.
"Cardamine" was Bal's short reply "Or something to keep me entertained".
"Cardamine eh? ,ill tell you what if you go and do a mission for that lady over there i will pay you in cardamine instead of credits , she isnt going to leave until someone does her dirty work" Said the bartender finally turning round. Bal pondered whether to do this 'mission' but if it was for cardamine he guessed it would be ok.

Balboa turned on his heel and approached the lady "I hear you have a mission needs doing" he asked. The lady still sipped her drink.
"If the pays right , i will do it for you" Bal said again this time the lady answered "Yeah i got a mission , 175k credits to go to sector 6d and clearout some Hunters , when you are done come back here and i will transfer your credits to your neural net account" she snapped.
"Ok , done" Said Balboa and he nodded towards the bartender and made his way back to the docking bay...

"There cannot be peace in these times"

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:09 pm

Im going to copy this into Microsoft Word...

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:11 pm

thats pretty good


happy new year everyone

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