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Quirks and weird habits thread: The Next Generation

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:27 am

Quirks and weird habits thread: The Next Generation

I posted this around last year, and since we have an almost entirely new audience here on TLR, I'm redoing it. What kind of weird habits do you have? please leave out your sexual kinks or anything disgusting .
Here are some of mine (more or less the same with the previous thread):
1. I use 3 alarm clocks to get up in the morning: an hour before H-Hour, half an hour before, and then the last one right on the time I need to get up. Each place in progressively increasing distance from the bed, to stimulate my awakening by having to actually leave the bed to turn the alarms off.

2. "Save the best for last" approach to eating my meals. For example: when eating fried chicken, meat is consumed first, then the crispy skins (yummy skins!)

3. Will post more later as I remember them...

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:52 am

oh hell i got a whole load of these bad boys (cuts and pastes from his homepage) Its more like a "fun facts of Arcon" thing:
- If i close my mouth for extended periods, theres a good chance i'll die.
- I dislike almost all food that isnt served in its original form.
- Over half of the stuff I say in real life is sarcastic.
- I hate all children below the age of about 12.
- If your a geek and a girl, theres a high possiblity that I am instantly in love with you.
- I liked Kid A and Amnesiac.
- My favorite song ever written is 'Round Here' by Counting Crows.
- If I say I dont like something theres an exremely high chance ive never had it in my life.
- I lie more than I have hot meals.
- I am of the firm belief that American children should be prevented from using an internet connection until they are old enough to drink.
- I can recite almost any Penny Arcade gag from memory.
- I throw film quotes into convrsations just to amuse myself.
- Sprite is the drink of champions.
- I often think I have dyslexia as I frequently put the first letters of words at the end of the previous ones...liket hat.
- I am overly critical of pretty much everything I see, hear, taste, read, play.
- I have no time for stupid people.
- 16 year olds who still watch wrestling need to be hearded up and shot...for the good of the land.
- I can drink more milk per minute than some people can all day.
- I can eat a sandwich in one bite. Although the last time I did it I almost choked to death, so dont ask me to do it again.
- I know more than is healthy about the Star Wars universe.
- I think Family Guy is superior to The Simpsons.
- I will download songs, episodes of tv shows, films and computer software but I wont pirate any computer games...ever. I figure computer gaming is an industry that can never have enough money.

"Something wicked this way comes"

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:19 pm

i always arive 15 mins early for everything, and if i try to be late, i end up being 30 mins-1 hour early

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:28 pm

in regards to your "save the best for last" i'm the opposite, i eat my fave stuff first in a meal, because i might get full up eating it and i dont want to have missed out on the best stuff.

also, when eating, say, a roast meal i eat each food type individually. I NEVER eat some peas with carrots and a bit of potato, its all eaten on its own.

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:46 pm

every snap time i log in to this weird forum called "lancers Reactor" no idea why. it's just a habit.

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:47 pm

My bad traits

- If someone is sensitive about a part of thier body I will always manage to bring it up in conversation (Hey, have you ever noticed that your eye twitches really badly when you yawn?)
- Hell, if anyone is sensitive about anything i'll always bring it up in conversation.
- I always mention how much I hate certain people in management when Im drunk at work functions, no matter who the target audience is.
- I always try to crack on to married women, for some reason they are sexier than single ones. Probably why they are married I guess.
- I drink upwards of 3 litres of flavoured milk a day
- I drink alcohol at two speeds, stopped and flat out
- I purchase far to many games than is healthy for a 27 year old
- I wear jeans and a t-shirt to work, despite the company dress code prohibiting jeans and t-shirts
- I hate people who have 30 Mb power point presentations because they persist on using bitmaps instead of jpegs
- I hate lawyers, dentists and middle management
- After I change my oil in my car, I pour the spent oil down the drain
- I tail gate drivers who cut me off and then drive below the speed limit
- I look at far to much porn on the internet
- I hate soap operas and anyone who watches them
- I am critical of everything that appears on TV and will openly voice my criticisms even if no-one wants to hear them
- I am a self-proclaimed expert on every subject, even if I know nothing about the topic in question
- If I believe I am right in an argument you will never hear the end of it
- I will inform Telemarketers of my disinterest before they have an opportunity to say...well anything.
- I hate loosing at anything and will cry cheat at any and every opportunity.

I'm sure there is lots more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:09 pm

Mustang said,

- I hate loosing at anything and will cry cheat at any and every opportunity.

like promising hunky pics of urself as prizes and not giving them to the winner? how surprised am I....

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:08 pm

- I am always early to places.
- I am excedingly honest, and no one beleaves me.
- I eat from left to right (patatos, veggies, meat) and meat is always last
- I hate it when food touches
- I only eat french fries with my hands (hamburgers and hotdogs don't count)
- I think everything works in threes or fives.

*more to come as I relize them*

Life: No one gets out alive.

Edited by - RILMS on 19-12-2003 05:55:37

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 5:09 pm


- I drink about 4 bottles of beer each night until I have nothing left, then I switch to tea or coke, whatever is being available at the moment.
- I drink about 5 to 10 cups of coffee at work, but never drink any coffee at home.
- I can eat until I almost throw up, but I hardly gain weight.
- I buy clothes about twice a year and just enough to provide me with clean stuff for a full week. So I use my whole wardrobe in one week, every week.
- I have a clock wich runs backwards, so when I look at my watch I always get the time wrong.
- When I hear a tune or a song, no matter wich one, I tap along to the rythem(sp?) with my hands and feet, much to the annoyance of everyone around me.
- When I have a tune or song in my head, no matter wich one, I tap along to the rythem(sp?) with my hands and feet, much to the annoyance of everyone around me.

Edit: Damn spelling.

Daft Vader - I am your father.
sS - Noooooooo! I demand a DNA-test.
It's better to chase a rabbit then to catch a hare...

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:06 pm

- I drink about 4 bottles of beer each night until I have nothing left, then I switch to tea or coke, whatever is being available at the moment.
- I drink about 5 to 10 cups of coffee at work, but never drink any coffee at home.

No wonder you're always high on something.

Mine are:
- I don't like food that has been mixed with others.
- I hate sprouts
- I hate every child between the age of 7 and 12. (they are annoying)
- Oddly enough, my parents think Im perfect (well, almost )
- I really really hate spam.
- Im paranoid about virus'

BlazeME: Flameus Muchus n00bus


Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:44 pm

I'm the best liar in my school (1800 kids)
I can drink 20 litres of cola a day (not diet)
i weigh(SP?) less than a 6 year old (32 Kg's)
I have the best knowledge of PC's in my aformentioned school
and i have dispraxia

well thats it for now!

First i drank Some coke
Then i drank More coke
Then i Drank even more coke
Then there was no coke

Post Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:12 pm


-I forget things I need to remember almost instantly, but then after 3 days after forgetting I remember them in vivid detail for the next 3-4 years

-I hate it when I download music and the idiot who records it turns his bass up to high so the sound is all muffed out

-Ill never regret leaving a girl.......making me somewhat less caring...... thats why they dont last long (I have found going through more on average makes up for it)

-LancersReactor is the only forum im truly active on, I have never been so active on any other forum every active on the internet, not even my own guild forums

-I have a disease, I buy new mobile phones every month cuz i gotta have the shiniest smallest piece of beautiful crap out there

-I think horror movies with nothing supernatural in it are crap because I feel I have seen the worst that could possibly happen to humans and it wasnt scary (its just a feeling, I never really saw anything out of the ordinary)

-I lie as I need to, but as always, the bull**** is in the details, I keep that in mind so I lie really well

-I am honest when I need be, actually most of the time, I have noticed the way people look at honesty doesnt differ much from the lies

thats all i can think of right now, ill edit with more later

"Talk Is Cheap Because The Supply Far Exceeds The Demand"

Edited by - Comont54 on 18-12-2003 21:13:22

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:09 am

- tell someone to do something, without telling themhow, and get totally bent when they do it wrong.
- i only watch cartoon network, the history channel, and the weather channel.
- when the t.p. runs out, i get a new roll but never put it on the spool.
- i belch incredibly loud when i'm at work (carpenter).
- i keep the volume in my car stereo at nine notches, never more, never less.
- i never tell someone they dialed the wrong number, but play along till they figure it out (obviously doesn't work when they ask for a female).
- i have my snooze set at six minutes.
- i do almost everything in repetitions of eight.
- when i drank, i would infuriate people by overpronunciating everything.
- sometimes get the theme song from fraggle rock stuck in my head.
- always correct people.
- i almost ALWAYS find a technicality that gets me out of trouble.
that's pretty much it for now...

Front, bow! Back, stern! Better get it right squirt, cuz' if ya don't I'll throw yer a$$ out the little round window in the side!

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:12 am

- tell someone to do something, without telling them how, and get totally bent when they do it wrong.

Ha, sounds just like my boss.

Post Fri Dec 19, 2003 5:20 am

This is an awesome thread!

-I hate shopping for cloths/shoes

-I find some type of jeans about once a year, buy 2 or 3 pairs, and wear them each for about a week at a time before doing laundry

-I love my cat. Is that wierd?

-I don't like my food to touch. If I'm eating salad, I don't want spagetti sauce in it! Is that so much to ask?!

-Rice and pasta deserve to die... or somthing. They are so friggin bland I can't stand it! Pasta is ok with a good sauce and some meat tho.

-It bothers me to no end when other people push the lock button when I'm the driver; thus I am the designated button pusher and get to use the remote (so as to hear the horn chirp you see)

-I leave the seat down... so sue me

-I have an unusual attraction to fish (see aquarium thread)

-I am a master of self deception. From inducing vomiting to scaring the poo out of myself... I can do it all

And like everyone else said, more than this.
@FF - The alarm clock thing is great!

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