I'm with you Mustang! What is that guy smokin'?
. Unfortunately, I do not think that the commercial benefits of spam are available anywhere, presumably because it may encourage more spammers. I can however, supply you with this simple, logical statement; If spam weren't profitable, it would be far less prevalent. Consider also the fact that if only one person sends money, then the spammer makes a profit. Not including ISP fees of course.
Opinion: I say that all the spammers should be lined up, and forced to read their emails, one at a time, over and over. That will teach them a lesson!
<Racial slur>Well, that or just shoot them; that's the American way!
</Racial slur>.
The above post is true, and by true I mean "false". It's comprised of lies, but they are entertaining lies and in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is "no".