Backround info for above coment: I launched my nifty pretty rocket, just to a few hundred feet in a city park, with a 7 second delay (after thrust stops) before the "ejection charge" of the motor blew the parachute out to slow it down. Went up to an estimated 450 ft, fell for the remainder of the delay (3.5 sec or so) and the parachute popped out... not.
The (black pouder btw) was WAY more powerfull than expected. It blew my motor mount locking mechanism I was so proud of completly off, ejected the motor mount and 'chute, and burnt away the nylon cord ataching the parachute. You get the idea for what happens next. Nose first impact at 100mph +, 6 inches or so into the ground. Had to dig it out almost . It's a bit of a wreck, but will fly again.
Anyway, I got on the internet and ordered some kevlar (bullit proof vest material) thread, little thicker perhaps than heavy kite string. I'm pretty shure on this, but thought I'd ask the world (aka: u) if to your knowledge kavlar burns or melts? Would it if exposed to heat for say 1/8th of a second?
Caution: Jenius at work.