@Indy: sure, i'm not saying this is reason and i'm totally with you that this could be a sympton of the problem. The neglect of a childs upbringing, the way that partents have little or no knowledge of what their kids are playing and the parental attitude that all games are suitable for all ages and that age ratings dont concern them is probably a massive red-flag for any child protection agency. I totally agree that behavior like 10 year olds playing 18 rated games is probbably the visible sign of the problem and i suppose the real cure for that would be education of the parents, but i think on behalf of the games company themselves, sticking age ratings on games is really the most they can do.
Like i said before, i am 100% behind age ratings, it gives the parents an idea of what their kids are gonna be buying and an idea of how old the customer should be in a games shop. The clerk at a store should equally be on the look out for underagers buying games but at present its not illegal for an underage child to buy an 18 game so they have no REAL power, at any least stores should make it their policy NOT to serve games to underage gamers, you might just be helping them in the long run
"it has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than now"