What would you do...
Firstly I would cut his Corpus Callosum (the bridge between left and right brain hemisphere), in order to stop the "data" flow between the two hemispheres. Then I would cut his eye hyazm (sp?), to make the left eye sending informations only to the left hemisphere, and the right eye only to the right one. Next up: brainwash. Some standard procedure like Russian torture (they put you on in a bed surrounded by water, then when you fall asleep -- SPLASH!!! Lasts 72-96 hours)
Then, I'd close one eye, and teach one hemisphere to react to light by running forward. After that I'd close the other one and teach the freshly open eye (and thus the other hemisphere) to react to light by running sideways or backwadrs or in circles... (of course, while I'm teaching one side to do something, the othr isn't aware of that). Then, when it's all finished, I'd put him on stage, and hit the lights...
Careful what you wish... You might just get it.