1. Just by overclocking your video card, you won't get too much improvement... Adding more (faster) RAM, a faster HDD (7200+ rpm), a faster CD/DVD ROM, better motherboard, and faster processor usually yields more performance improvement. Maximum framerate for a GeForce4 Ti4400 is about 1620 fps @ 1024x786x32, provided that your processor can process and generate that many frames. So instead of frying your GeForce, you should try upgrading the rest of your system.
2. Your rank does not (should not) dictate how much you're respected (at least not in a good way), your newbie status (I still see myself as a newbie, although my name is fairly reckognized), or your reputation. Shortly, STOP SPAMMING ALREADY! And do try to "sound" a bit less psychedelic...
Careful what you wish... You might just get it.