I think it looks great. Relic seems to employ the Metal Gear Solid school of design for its Homeworld series: clean lines and textures over a not terribly complex 3-D model. It should run fine on your comp in the first few missions, EB, where there are relatively few ships, but after that it'll go downhill.
The original was mindnumbingly cool at the time, although I began to get frustrated by the lack of time acceleration and the fact that beating missions ultimately became less about any real strategical thinking on your part, and more about replaying the missions until you knew when and where everything was going to happen. I never even really beat it, but I'm glad to have played it, though.
Halcyon : I’ve got one more bit of intelligence to pass along to everyone. We believe Bhurak Starkiller may be in the system.
Angel : Bhurak Starkiller, sir?
Halcyon : He’s Kilrah’s hottest pilot in the Salthi light fighter.
Hehe, titbits.