Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:13 pm

What am I doing wrong with SLEdit/SLTool?


You know the conversations going on about the rear gun on certain ships? Somebody said that the gun doesn't fire because it is not really defined. Well, they are correct. I looked up the Coyote and the Predator in the SL Tool Editor. The definition for 'Rear Gun' in SL Tool is just 'Gun:'. I checked the guns on the body and they are defined this way: 'Gun: Proton Cannon'. So the position of the rear gun is defined, but there is no actual gun 'installed'. I modified the Coyote with SLTool to put a Gatling Plasma Cannon there, but I have not been able to successfully import the modified Coyote into the game, causing me no end of frustration. I attempted many times to get the modded coyote in the game with no luck.

I copied the coyote.shp file to another name, edited the new ship with SLTool to put a real gun back there, not just decoration, then saved the new ship. I go to SLEdit, and I import the new ship, and the panel appears that has the ship name, and the two texture files. The import panel shows that these texture panels are already defined. They are in black ink. OK.

I launch the game, and when I go to the briefing room, the game dies because the texture, which is defined in the tcache file can not be found. I extracted the files, and put them in several directories.. same error. I also, perform the ship switch after I import the new ship. I don't even change the stats with SLEdit, just import this 1 ship.

I have tried just modifying the existing coyote and not doing a ship switch. I worked on this problem for a couple hours. When I would hit the disable switch on SL Edit, it gave me Invalid Ship type, twice.

Any clue what I am doing wrong? Any suggestions on how to correct?

I am using WinME, GeForce 2, 512 Meg Ram.
