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How do you....?

Working or planning to do some modifications in StarLancer? This is place to give and get help with all modification issues in StarLancer!

Post Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:56 pm

How do you....?

I know this forum is dead, but, I have been playing with the SLedit and I want to give a ship blindfire. How the heck do I?

Post Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:29 pm

I had that trouble too, all I did was switch it with a ship that already had blindfire. Even then when I tried to use it, it wouldn't work until I pushed the F key to cycle the full guns off. I hope this helps. I am still trying to get a ship into SL. One of guys on here is helping me by e-mail. I'm getting closer but still having trouble importing it into the game.

Post Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:28 pm

Unfortunately, BlindFire isn't saved in the Ship files. Currently the only way to have a custom ship have BlindFire is to switch it with one of the original ships that has it.

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