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Stearing mod? Mouse flight stearing

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Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:49 pm

Stearing mod? Mouse flight stearing

Is it possible to make a mouse stearing mod or a way to use ur mouse ingame space combat flight, i like this game had it for a loong time but ive seen no one doing a effort on fixing a nice mouse stearing mod..

I dont like the clumsy keyboard stearing in game and joystick never been my flavor so is it possible? can someone do it? or has someone done one?

i know many out there are looking for the same thing...

Please help me out!

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:01 pm

This would probably require the sourcecode for the game, something that probably isn't going to be released anytime soon - let alone at all. All though, given what happened with Allegiance.

Post Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:05 am

There might also be some freeware programs out there that emulate a joystick from mouse-input.

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