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Freelancer Explorer Errors

This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.

Post Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:05 am

Freelancer Explorer Errors

can someone help me with this problem? This error prevents me from saving the systems and planets I named while editing.

I have been trying to build my own system for quite some time now. But every time I save the progress, I get this DLL error. As if the DLL i created when i begun dosen't even exist anymore. I can't find any logical reason for this to happen, and I don't quite understand what causes the error. Though, I do know it greatly hinders my progress, but not allowing me to save Info cards and planet and trade lane names. Can anyone help me fix this error so I can use the program to it's full potential? ... r/WTF2.jpg
(This is a screen cap of the error)

Post Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:26 am

if you have any scripts in the mod folder, as in the Your mod name \ HERE

remove them and see if that clears things up. if that dont, it maybe a broken dll, try opening it with a dll editor (theres a few you can download from here) and if it reads it correctly, i have no idea what you should do.


Post Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:41 pm

I appreciate the help, and have tried both methods. However, I get the error regardless. Though I can make the system, I simply just can't name the planets, trade lanes, or zones. Has anyone out there encountered this problem and fixed it? Or know a more conventional means of going into the mod folder and naming the planets and zones manually?

Keep in mind, im new to modding.

Post Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:41 pm

dont use empty dll make your dll just make the system when it says should i save in dll say yes then to what your mod dll.

Post Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:11 pm

Perhaps if you told me how to keep the program from using empty_resource.dll you might have helped me. But your short statement unfortunately does not. I have changed the name of this DLL numerous time, overwrote it with new ones, tried to make my own. Yet, the program Freelancer Explorer insists on using this DLL to update. Therefore I do not have the option of chosing what DLL to use while making the system.

Post Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:18 am

I get the same error that pervents me from using FLE to name things quick. Started to happen on a new computer I got and it only happens with my mod only, but not with older versions of it. I have removed everything but my dll. put one on the outside of the exe like FLE as normal and it will refuseto update the dll. still.
Sadly this has been goingon for 2 months so a answer to theproblem would be helpful to me also.

Post Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:38 am

Where did you install the FLEx?

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