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Hey there!

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:20 am

Hey there!

Well I first asked a question right off in the Starlancer forum.

So.. Time to introduce myself.

GRant Lutjens Screename (Grant is my name and then I took Lutjens. Commander of the Bismark.Or Hipper.. I cant remember)..

I live in Montana USA.

I just got Starlancer and I LOVE IT. I have done 4 missions. Got 2 High-5's, a slap on the back and a shaking heads (I can't help it. Played that mission 5 times and those ships kept getting blown up).

Of the other games I play;
PC Games.
Airfix Dogfighter
Crimson Skies
IL2 Sturmovik (Pacific Fighters and FOrgotten battles. Un-merged).
X-wing Alliance (Starwars).
A couple of the older no-online play Starwars.
And about a dozen Hunting Games.
Online games (Stargate Universe)

I am not into MMORPG's for the most part. Most of the PC games I got are older ones. I personally am not a hufe FPS fan and like flight/space sim a lot more. Soon I will be ordering a copy of MechWarrior 3 and Freespace 2.

I think Starlancer is the best game I have gotten in a long time!!! The fact that it is older and MP isn't hugely great I don't mind!!!! I hated MSN when they dropped CrimsonSkies and apparently SL is the same

Bye for now!!
Grant Lutjens. 45th Volunteer Squadron.

Post Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:33 am

it's very good to see you here, you have great taste in games, and it's always good to see another dedicated StarLancer fan join the forums!

interesting choice of name, btw. Admiral Gunther Lutjens was actually the commander of the Bismark battle-group which included the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, whilst the battleship itself was under the command of Kapitan-zur-See Ernst Lindemann (the Bismark's sister ship, Tirpitz, and the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were also meant to have been part of this KampfGruppe)

Popular mythology has Lutjens portrayed as a dedicated Nazi, but in fact he had much contempt for the Nazis, being one of the few Kriegsmarine officers to protest Kristallnacht in 1938, and actually refused to give Hitler the Nazi salute when der Fuhrer vaingloriously visited the Bismark. A little known fact is that Lutjens ordered Lindemann to not engage H.M.S. Hood, an order that Lindemann defied, sinking the Hood and damaging the battleship King George V but bringing on himself the wrath of the Royal Navy who subsequently pummelled the Bismarck to ruin, long after it had ceased to have any further combat capability.

Incidentally you don't have to pay for Freespace 2 any more, because before Volition folded they kindly made the source public, which was very decent of them, so you can download the FS2 SCP package quite legally for free here.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/27/2007 11:36:49 AM

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