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Hello and I look forward to your welcome

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:55 pm

Hello and I look forward to your welcome

Greetings Lancersreactor community members.

If you are reading this messsage it is futuristic m1 writing out here.

I have recently had a look at the queries and questions in the forums regarding the changing of .utf files that store pilot voices. From what it appears people intend to change the contents so when you are in space and hail a pilot they will say different things or what you want them to say in their reply when you fly close to them.

Such as changing dialogue like 'we are going to battleship missouri' or 'we got 7 more waypoints to go' and these are stored in utf files and from what I have beeen reading, members intend to change them.

I have discovered the appropriate procedure to achieve this change, the only thing standing in my way of releasing the information is whether somebody already has. If there is already a tutorial on how to do it, please notify me, otherwise I will go ahead in posting it to fl tutorial forum

Post Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:49 pm

why would that stop you? please people - just because theres a tute for it already doesn't mean you can't write a better one.... you just *might* get linked in my compilation... or bump them off the map entirely

Post Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:02 am

Cold_void sorry you got dissappointed with me on my second reply, I didn't realize you had already made a first reply in this section and I read your second one that was in editing tutorial section. I thought that was your first response in your reply to 'it's finally here......' but I just got back here

Here's the link to the tutorial ... ng&M=False

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