Post Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:50 am

Not so new new guy.

Ahoy thar! Ye can be cutin’ yer engine and lettin’ yer cargo out ‘ere. Then ye be on yer merry way back te yer family and friends. Or we can let fly and dance about with death. Death do be a good friend of mine, how well do ye know ‘im? But then, life don’t worth but for just this moment, eh?

Hello all. I’m not really looking for loot or a fight or death, just fun for the moment, and Lancer’s Reactor has been the source for many just moments related to Freelancer. I have been checking in on Lancer’s Reactor for years now but ‘till now I have been silent. But I figured it’s been long enough with me knowing you and benefiting from this service and returning nothing.

I hail from about 17 km along the longest street in the world. If you don’t have a clue where that is you have already missed three. But that’s hardly important here. I also hail from the Freelancer modification Total War by Ioncross, although you won’t see me there under this name.

I got Freelancer about a month after it came out in stores. Although I was disappointed by it after taking in everything it said on the box I have still spent more time with it than any other game since I bought it. I no small part due to the excellent work on the part of some modders to make the game more than what it was.

Recently I have had thought of repaying the community with a mod of my own. Although in truth that wouldn’t be so much for the community as for me, since I love to create things.