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new to this game

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Sat May 06, 2006 5:28 pm

new to this game

Hello! I have just discovered Freelancer and I love it! Currently I'm halfway through the Single Player campaign, in New Tokyo flying a Barracuda loaded with expensive ordnance, I've only got 60,000 or so in the bank so I'm going to swap my fighter for a Drone and run (spoiler) from New Tokyo to (spoiler) for a while to build up maybe 300,000 before I start Mission 8. I also might run some missions for the Hogosha to polish my rep a little before trading. I couldn't believe some of the reviews of this game, that said you could "beat it" in 12 hours. I took longer than that just admiring the scenery around Manhattan and hailing the passing fleets. Why would you want to "beat it" anyway? After I finish SP I'd like to learn some editing skills so I could work on rebalancing the game to make it just the way I want it. I can tell I'll have to do a lot of studying to have any hope of catching up with the editing community here!

Post Sun May 07, 2006 2:17 am

My suggestion, make sure you make a safe save point before you buy that drone, because at that stage in the storyline you may not get much chance to buy a fighter back due to the rapidly changing reputation you'll have with factions etc.

Post Wed May 10, 2006 8:37 am

Thank you Mr. Chips! I tend to save a lot every time I finish a big battle or find myself in a nice safe place. Anyway I finished the SP campaign but I'll spare the details because they would be out of place in the Introduce Yourself Forum. I'll probably wander over to the Player's Forum and talk about stuff there.

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