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New (Zealand) blood

This is for new and old members alike where you can say Hi and tell us about yourself and any malfunctions you may have.

Post Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:13 am

New (Zealand) blood

Hey all,

Well, I've been posting a bit more than I thought I would be (i.e. more than twice), and I've been sucked into the modding scene further than I thought I would (the most I have been since Morrowind), so I figured I'd drop a little hello note.

In case anyone cares, I'm 21, male, live in WA, USA (although originally from New Zealand). I'm pretty damn fresh to modding... kinda. Ok, I dabbled a little making very small mods for personal use in Duke Nukem 3D (mmmm, so easy!), and got pretty proficient at the Build level editor for it. Good times. I've also made a bunch of stuff for Morrowind, another game with super-easy-to-use dev tools. And again, none of it was ever released, since I made it primarily for myself. So yeah, the new thing for me is FL, which has eaten up most of my time over the past few days since I started playing it (no really, I've done very little else other than sleep, eat, and go to the pub since I started fiddling with the code).

Who knows, I may actually release some stuff for this if I get enough practise and have enough ideas. It seems like a pretty good community here, and that helps a lot. Oh, speaking of which, and I could be wrong, but it seems like there's a pretty large Aussie crowd here, not to mention Brits. Not that that's a bad thing, just (at least in my experience) a little unusual. Or maybe you're just more vocal than most groups. Or maybe I just don't hang around on enough forums to know (most likely). Anyway, that's it from me, and if you're still reading, I'm impressed, heh.

- Avatar of Blood

"The difference between heroes and cowards is not whether they feel fear or not, it's the willpower to suppress their fear, and do what they should." - Master Miller, Metal Gear 2

Post Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:14 am

@Ralkahn, Welcome to TLR

There are many things moddable her at TLR, have a look around and enjoy.

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