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Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:31 pm


Hi I joined a lloonnngg time ago but havent posted...ever um im trying to find an ancient post containing a poem about how to get into alask anyone know what im talking about and where the poem is

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:33 pm

The closest I could find is Freelancer Hakiu/poetry project Please not, only through storyline or mod can you get into alaska.

Welcome back to TRL

Edited by - Finalday on 1/22/2006 5:36:25 PM

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:20 pm

haha that was entertaining to bad it didnt have the one i was hoping for :p

its like an epic poem

"the treaty was signed on the deck of big 'mo;
to this place, you must first go;
three gates there are;
torwards the lone star;
not two, nor four, but three"

sound familliar to anyone?????????????????

Edited by - 6of7 on 1/22/2006 10:20:53 PM

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:26 pm

FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The way to Alaska is an ancient and guarded secret. This may help, or maybe not.

While Dr. Sinclair was excavating the Dom Kavosh site on Pygar, she discovered an ancient scroll about 6 inches wide, encased in a tiny titanium cylinder which in in turn was sealed in an ancient mayonnaise jar. When the jar was unsealed and the cylinder was opened, the scroll fell out. What follows is a translation of that scroll:

The treaty was signed on the deck of Big Mo,
To that place you first must go,

Three gates there are toward the Lone Star,
Not two nor four but three

Five One a clue, F one another
Heed my words for they are true my brother

Turn your face to the east and not the west
Have courage my son for this is the test

The goal is at hand and the prize is in sight,
Turn thou not to the left nor the right

Straight as an arrow make your course true
Set your face as a flint and you will pass through

My ditty is full and My riddle is done
Put a smile on your face This is just for fun ... cer&M=True

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