Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:37 pm

''nother Noob in the room

Hey, folks...
Found the site not too long ago, and while I've stuck my oar in a few places I've tried to be circumspect. From what I've read so far, there are a lot of people here who like to relax, enjoy, and have some cool conversations about FL and several other subjects, and the fanfics rock!Really like the section on modding,too, and while I'm , well, completely in the dark about that kind of work I'm gonna give 'er heck. Seems like there's a lot of support for this, so why not? couple of things, though...
1. I'm a newbie - not just here, but in the forums. I'm going to make mistakes.
2. As with some newcomers, I might not notice the last time a thread had been posted on and throw something out there.

Looking forward to meeting you in the field!