Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:50 am

Guess I''ll do as everyone...

Hello there, I'm FriendlyFire.
I began playing FL about a year and a half ago and found TLR from another website. Been that time I frequently go on the forums and look at the news, trying to help and of course get helped

From all the games I played, I got addicted by two of them. And Freelancer lasted the longest, and still lasts!

I mod alot, I learn everyday, and I am currently part of Xtreme Team Studios to help out finish their next mod, I also help out Dark Storm Studios, the makers of Freelancer Combat Evolved (Halo Mod), and I made a few mods here and there for the fun of it. I appreciate modding like nothing else (Except maybe making web pages and programs hehe ) and I feel that TLR is a great resource for modders and players alike. I do hope it will never fall, and I am happy and proud to have shared everything I could with the people here!