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Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:54 am


Um, I'm Argh, and I do... stuff

Freelancer modding is my current hobby. I've been doing it for about 10 months now, and I'm finally starting to get fairly good at it

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:25 am

Finally starting to get good, Argh? That's really funny. You are one of the best!

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:42 pm

Oooh my

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:23 pm

Ah now, don't inflate my ego. I'm just building on the work of many, many other people. Sure, some of it's new, but I'm mainly just re-applying things that other people originally figured out, and making some of the more mysterious things a bit easier to understand.

It's really not about "leet" modding skills- it's about documentation and writing very clean code with lots of comments, so that people aren't continuously re-inventing the wheel (which is a big problem around here- more than half the mods I've seen released here over the last couple of months could've been built much more quickly if people used my Toolkit as a base, but it's taking awhile to catch on).

My main contributions to the FL community aren't so much new knowledge as they are about giving people better ways to understand the things that we (collectively) "know", but have difficulty applying.

Post Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:18 am

Yeah, but that's what makes you one of the best modders on the site. You document and share everything, and it seems that you are one of the ones who cares most about sharing knowlege and helping other people learn to mod. You aren't just one of the ones who hides in the shadows, and posts up a mod or two every now and then, you are right here in the thick of things teaching and building here on TLR.

In my opinion, the best modders are not the ones who can make the coolest and most groundbreaking mods, they are the ones who are visibly helping others and sharing their work with the community.

(Sorry for inflating your ego. )

Post Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:02 am

I must go with Jacob on that one, you do share enormous knowledge, Argh.

But I will also have to say that you also do groundbreaking and innovative mods
(Don't tell me the opposite, Warriors of the Sky IS innovative)

Post Sun Sep 25, 2005 3:47 am

Um, oh yeah... I should also mention...

I have a website. On it, you can find some of my other mods. I should put up the Runesword II stuff I did, at some point, but I never quite get around to it. Very few people own a copy anyhow, which is sad, since it was a very interesting game engine. Oh, wait... it's FREEWARE and OPEN SOURCE now... aaaaaanyways...

I got started modding and making games by making mods for Escape Velocity*, back in the dark ages of the early Internet. I don't think I ever released my mods to the public back then, but that's how I got started with 3D modeling. I don't have any of that stuff any more.

Then I made a bunch of animations for a game called Mythos, which no longer exists (it was a Motorola 68000-series game that only worked on early Powermacs), and then did a bunch of animations for a game called The Xenology Crisis which never got past early beta. I don't think I know of an existing copy of the game, which is a shame- the last copy I knew of was on the last Mac I owned.

After that flamed out, I moved over to Runesword, while taking side-jaunts into other areas... Then I started modding Total Annihilation, and got fairly good at that.

I also once wrote, designed and illustrated a tabletop wargame.

Somewhere in there, I caught the FL demo, and thought it looked really good, so I spent $50 to buy it at full price (which I pretty much never, ever do- if a game is really good, it'll still be selling in the Bargain Bin at Best Buy in a year, and it'll still be really good). And I really enjoyed the SP campaign. It wasn't the "best game ever", but still, it was a lot of fun.

My idea of "really good" is influenced by the (literally) hundreds, if not thousands of games that I have played (do not even ask about my emulator collection) so I was fairly impressed, and I found TLR shortly thereafter, and found out that there was an early mod scene. They hadn't figured much out yet, and were still hacking file formats apart, so I lurked, left, and came back about a year later.

And was like, "Woah!!!"

And I've been here since then, pretty much.

Edited by - Argh on 9/25/2005 4:53:58 AM

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