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What thread magazine

This is for Arghs various projects. You can ask questions and give some feedback on projects such as the XML Toolkit.

Post Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:27 am

What thread magazine

Argh, I'll delete this once is serves a purpose (if it does).

If you wish any of your threads moving to this forum - bump em with a post being a request to move, and i'll move em when I see them.

Or, even better - just stick a link in here.
Also feel free to ask for stickies as needed, post in here - or email if you hear nothing.

Once finished, let me know - and this thread will go.

Post Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:26 am

Okie doke... I'll bump a few things up... I think that the Pretty Planet Project and the FL Physics threads (including Dev's) should probably go here... they're kind've lost somewhere, and I'd like to be able to keep them alive.

I'll just post links to the rest of things, and probably send BP some of my experimental things and software widgets so that I'm not linking everything from my site

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