Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:13 pm

LAW - Lawful Asgard Warriors

LAW plays on the Asgard RPG Mod by devGuy. It can be downloaded by registering on the Asgard forum and sending a private message to a forum admin. The forum is located here: Asgard

Visit our website located here
Visit the LAW forum located here

Thank you for your interest in our organization. LAW is a para-military police force that is independant of House territories. We operate in House space with their support and permission. We operate outside of House space with a mandate from the citizens of Asgard. We are dedicated to curbing the ever growing threat from criminal organizations that pervade out galaxy.

LAW knows no national boundaries. We are not an area specific organization. We go where the criminals go. This ideal sets us apart from the other lawful factions. While they have territory to defend, and have every right to do it, we have a way of life to defend. The Asgard way of life. The rule of LAW will be extended to every corner of Asgard. The evil doers will know no sanctuary. Their home systems will become their mortuaries. Pirates cannot escape by slipping out of a certain territory. Criminal and evil organizations will be forced to defend their home systems from assault on an ever increasing scale. Ladies and gentleman, LAW intends to take the fight to the bad guys. They won't have the time to cause death and destruction because they will be a victim of it.

LAW was founded by an ex freighter captain who became so enraged by the constant attacks by the criminal element that he decided to do something about it. With his lone Ceptyr, under a code name, he went into the Asgard system and began hunting down the scuz that infested the galaxy. After apprehending several pirates, he decided to start an organization dedicated to bringing justice to the Asgard Sector. LAW was born. The freighter captain gave up luxury and riches to pursue his dreams of a lawful and peaceful galaxy.

As a business magnate, the Commandant of LAW understood the principles of supply and demand. He was well aware of the surplus of predators and the shortage of prey. The theory of market forces brought him to the conclusion that there would be no shortage of opportunity in a galaxy infested with criminals.

The criminal element is already very familiar with the code name that has been harassing and interdicting them. Their problems have just become exponentionally larger. Now there is a law enforcement agency that knows no bounds. LAW will pursue criminals, raiders, pirates, and smugglers to the far reaches of the galaxy. Any unlawful factions, such as the ones inhabiting the outer systems, will soon feel the grip of the long arm of the LAW.

Faction Rules

LAW is a lawful faction that is dedicated to serve and protect the citizens of Asgard. There is a certain code of conduct that we must adhere to in order to maintain the reputation of our profession.

1) We are ALWAYS in character while we are on the server. There are some who do not appreciate our activities and may try to draw you into saying something OOC and get you banned. Be vigilant, don't let it happen.
2) ALWAYS follow server rules.
3) ALWAYS interfere with unlawful behavior. If you witness a pirate attack or scan a hold full of Cardamine, you are obligated to act. A warrant must be served on the offender.
4) NEVER perform escort duties. We do not escort, nor do we perform contract hits. We are not a mercenary faction. We may, however, stake out a convoy looking for criminals.
5) NEVER allow another player to heckle or otherwise goad you into a fight with them. When you go online, you are serving a warrant. Unless you have a warrant for the person who is goading you, don't fall for it.

We are currently hiring LAW enforcement agents. We'd be delighted to have you come aboard. We need a few good men. LAW has the highly ambitious agenda of going to where the bad guys are and clearing them out. Our presence is a little light right now because we are still growing. Soon we hope to have a significant presence on the server that will hinder any criminal activity. The CTP and APOC want to perpetrate misery on everybody else on Asgard? LAW will perpetrate misery on them. Hopefully soon we will have battle groups moving in to hostile territory and applying law and order.

There are no restrictions on what you pilot. The only requirement is that your charactor has a LAW tag before the name. Asgard rules require a charactor to have 2 hours of server time before they can join a faction.

Use whatever weapon you have available to you except for faction weapons. The only exception to this are VIPER and AFC weapons, who are now defunct. LAW is the only faction licensed to mount a single Hellbore Cannon per LAW ship. These can be purchased from any FedEx captain on server or I can transfer one to you.

You are not required to maintain an independant trader for financing, but you are not restricted from it either. I don't use one because I'm stinking rich from my days as CEO of FedEx. If you needs funds, let me know.

As for conduct, we are a lawful organization and so must act accordingly. We help anyone in trouble and attempt to serve warrants on wanted criminals (more on that later). We never accept hit contracts nor do we provide escort for convoys (although we are known to stake them out looking for pirates).

Our main role play is serving warrants. We serve warrants by killing the baddie, of course. If you are successful, the name of the person served goes on our faction doc and police log. If you are unsuccessful, the served goes on the most wanted list. The Most wanted list is our KOS list. Anyone on that list is targeted as soon as they are identified. Once they have been served, their name is removed from the most wanted list an added to the served list. Our Served list and Most Wanted list is a little light for the reason stated above, but that will soon change.

As for server etiquitte, we are always in charactor when we are online. I have loads of fun talking to people as though I'm an authority figure of the law. Whe I'm trying to serve a warrant I will speak in caps (as though I'm using a megaphone, lol) like "RIKER! YOU ARE WANTED FOR blah blah blah. SURRENDER YOUR VESSEL IMMEDIATELY!" Of course you get the one finger salute so you have to do it the hard way. If you get whipped, never get mad. Talk to them as though they just made a terrible mistake and they will be added to the Most Wanted list. Etc.

If a career in LAW enforcement interests you, I can be contacted on the Asgard forum, located here: Asgard

Any questions, please ask. See you in the cold void.