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New and need help

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Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:09 am

New and need help

Hi everyone, hope this is till active.
I have had Freelancer for a while but never tried it, last weekend i installed it and really really enjoyed it, its a great game, however on the single player game i am stuck, i am on mission 3 with juni, we have to beat all these ships which is really hard, if we get past that we have to beat these rhineland ships, i can't seem to do it, i am using a defender heavy fighter with 5 guns and can't do it, i tried with the light fighter starlight or something, the one with 3 guns and got past the first bit but failed the second really quickly, can anyone help?
Can't go to any other areas rhineland etc to get a better ship as the gates are locked, Please help

Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:40 pm

At the Planet California Minor, grab as much Nanobots and Shield Batteries as possible. Use your set keys to activate them and that will restore any damaged objects.

For example, if you have 10% Shield (The blue status bar below the Refire rate) and use a shield battery it would raise your shield to 100% depending on how much batteries you have. 1 isn't enough to fill the entire shield.

For example, if you have 32% Hull left (The red status bar below the shield rate) and have 72000 armour on your ship and you only have 20 nanobots, it would increase to about 43%. Because Nanobots, i think, can repair 100 armour per nanobot.

Here is a hint for the next part of the mission, after the Rheinlander's attack you'll be instructed by Juni to go back to Planet California Minor to meet a friend of Juni's, Captain Marcis Walker. Land on California Minor and enter the bar. You'll have a little chat with Juni and Walker, after the chat enter the equipment dealer and fill up with nanobots and shield batteries. After that, enter the landing pad area and launch. Cruise your engine to the rendavous with Juni to Walker. King will start talking to you on the 'Secure Channel' and Juni tells him that you had just been attacked by Rheinlanders. Once you're with Walker, he will say that he has to go back for inspection. But instead he doesn't want to because Research Station Willard are under attack by an army of Rheinlanders. You should destory all Rheinlanders and that is the end of the mission.

So do you think you're up to it?

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:53 am

Probably not but still keep trying

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:14 am

I remember 1st completing that mission in a's a better ship in my opinion,a lot faster which means u can keep outta the way for a while lol

Post Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:41 am

Here is a tip:

Start a new game with the OpenSP v1.1 Modification. Take on a few missions with the Starflier with the most weaponary it can take. Star doing maneuvours and after a while, when you think you got the hang of flying, go back to the mission.

Post Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:16 am

Have you upgraded your shield? By now I think you can have purchased a level 3 shield.

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