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Mining in New York System

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Post Thu May 03, 2007 9:42 am

Mining in New York System

Ok So I have completed the first two missions for Juni...or maybe one...I have the Rhino Freighter tricked out with a full complement of Turrets, 3 Lava Blade II's a countermeasure dropper and 12 shield batteries/ nanobots

I figured I would make some cash trading H-fuel within the system using the large capacity freighter....

But it takes roughly 26,000 credits to fill the ship with H-fuel.....

To make that cash rather than kill more rogues in Bounty missions I thought I would try to mine the system for minerals-filling my large ship with FREE Minerals so I could sell @ 100% profit...makes sense....

But I cannot go a minute in the debris fields without being constantly visited by enemy Rogues and when I get to the center of the debris field...I am hopelessly outmatched nearly 10-1.

If I read the instructions correclty all I have to do is blast some of the debris with my LavaBlade II's and collect the resultant "Loot". But this has not yet worked for me and I don't have time to explore the area before being attacked by re-spawning Rogues.

Is there a certain object I must blast to get minerals?
Is there a certain weapon I must use?
Is there a spot where I can be relatively safe for two minutes while mining?
I have read the Detroit debris field is the most productive for mining in New this true?

Post Thu May 03, 2007 10:09 am

Look for the free floating & wandering, container looking objects..they're all around you. Just shoot them and you should see "scrap metal" as a loot that you can tractor in..then sell on Ft. Bush for a fair profit. The only thing is that you won't necessarily get loot from every "container" you shoot. Trying to take it to the Junker Base, Rochester is quite risky since there are Rogues and Xenos you'ld have to contend with also.
When you make it into the Colorado system, the Silverton Asteroid Field will yield some silver you can sell on California Minor at around 700 credits each.
If you want to take the risk, take a field trip to Sectors F: 3, 4, & 5. Look for the wrecks called, "Flint" (cardamine) , "Agressor" (bounty hunter weapons) , and "Patrol 21" (3 ships with Liberty Weapons) . The first OR last one will set you up for your next mission. The Flint will yield at least a 30,000 credit profit plus weapons if you can get away from the Rogues and Outcasts. But, then you'll have to hope you don't get caught by the police as you take the cardamine to Manhattan.

Post Thu May 03, 2007 4:30 pm

The Cardi is worth a fortune on Manhattan... like 1200 apiece For mining, look on your navmap - theres an option on there (along the top) where you can choose to look at the map based on factions, patrol paths and mineable areas. I'm pretty sure the mineable one is a pair of crossed hammers or summat like that. Click it, and it'll show you on the map where you can mine

Post Mon May 07, 2007 5:53 am

Unless all of your weapons are the same, it's best to fire only one at a target when mining. Problem is that if you have some guns with a high rate of fire and some with a slow rate, the faster weapon will "mine" whatever you are after - but then the slower weapon will hit it and blow it to bits!

Post Tue May 22, 2007 7:30 pm

it's kinda annoying when that happens, eh?

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