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Loving the game but...

Discussion Forum for people new to Freelancer. Here you can ask any question about Freelancer without fear...

Post Sun May 14, 2006 4:45 am

Loving the game but...

Hey to all, just got back into freelancer after a bit of time off, great to see there's a big community out here. The game diserves it.

But, there's one thing i'd like to do, and the game would be perfect for me: Turn down (by alot) the number of rouges/hackers/mollys whatever. Even with nothing in my hold, in friendly systems, i'm getting attacked every minute or so, which is really taking the fun out of exploring this great game. Especially when i want to do some trading or take a long journey.

Is there a mod out there that does something about this?

Thanks all.

Post Sun May 14, 2006 7:40 am

Not at this moment, although it shouldn't be too hard to create a solution via scripting for this issue.

I don't personally have any spare time for the next few weeks, but you can hope others do.

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