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system map

Discussion Forum for people new to Freelancer. Here you can ask any question about Freelancer without fear...

Post Thu May 11, 2006 11:27 am

system map

do the friendly/enemy alliegance zones change as you complete missions?

I am in a system (Cambridge) in which the green zones appear to be growing. Is this because i am doing missions and killing enemies?

Post Fri May 12, 2006 12:42 am

hmmm. no response.

I guess what I mean is, is it possible to shift the power balance in a system.

if you have a system that is overrun by corsairs or whoever, is it possible to drive them out of a system through sustained skirmishing and missions?

sorry to bug but there's no help in the manual and i don't want to keep hammering one system if it's not making any difference. The 'friendly' map seems to grow and diminish and i'm not sure what causes it

Post Fri May 12, 2006 7:47 am

Sounds like you are early in the game. At the beginning, you are friendly with very few factions. As the game goes along, you get more -- or fewer -- friends. The friendly area of the systems maps change accordingly.

At least I think that's what is happening.

Post Fri May 12, 2006 11:52 pm

Ahh I see. okay then - that's a shame, I was hoping the game had a dynamic system control thing going on

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