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Do you want to start editing Freelancer, but have no clue where to begin? This is the place for you to find things and talk about getting started on Freelancer Modding

Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:26 pm


I have a game called Star Trek Starship Creator, and would like to know, how can I create a mod from that game for Freelancer?

Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:49 pm

Well that's what I would call a "wide" question lol

OK - in brief...

I don't know what format the models in your new game are in. FL uses models in .cmp format. Get a copy of HardCMP from here and open one of the ship model files in DATA\SHIPS\ to see what they look like standalone.

Also in HardCMP there is a drop-down list on the top right, showing the HardPoints (Hpxxxx) that the ship model has attached to it, and their location on the ship model. These are the points that the weapons, shields, lights, pilot, cockpit, turrets, and so on connect to on the ship.

FL ship models have 4 files - the model (ship.cmp) its materials (ship.mat) a surface file (ship.sur) and a shop icon (ship.3db). There is also a cockpit.ini file describing viewpoints for the ship.

To start making models for use in Freelancer, you can use almost any modelling program to copy models you find in other games, pictures, plans, or from your own imagination. If you are very lucky you may find one that can open models from that other game directly, or which has a plug-in that can import them. If you are not lucky then you will have to redesign each model from scratch. When you have it the way you want it, you need to convert it to .cmp format - Milkshape is a reasonably simple modelling program, and whereas it's a bit too simple for modelling good-looking ships, its great for doing that. In fact it's the only one I know that has a plug-in for .cmp format models. So you need it! lol. Most serious modellers use their own choice of modelling program and only use Milkshape for the final conversion.

OK, after you export your new model (heheheh - that is a deliberate jump of several days from the previous paragraph!) then you can use HardCMP to place your hardpoints (see above) precisely where you want them. And with FL Model Tool you can resize an existing .sur file from another ship to fit yours.

Then - last steps - edit shiparch.ini to tell FL about the ship and how it handles, and what equipment it can mount. And edit goods.ini to give it a price and loadout, and edit market_ships.ini to tell FL which base sells it.

When you decide to go ahead with your first model, you will find a lot of info and help already in the tutorials section, and people here will be happy to help you with specific problems.

Good luck out there.

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

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