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Different Files/Bases/Systems on Multiplayer

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Post Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:19 am

Different Files/Bases/Systems on Multiplayer

I have a dedicated freelancer server.
For the Admin's i want a special base/station in front of the planet manhattan.
But all the other clients shuldn't see the station/base.
I heard something like change the files on the server and the Admin Computers.
Is there also a possibility of making a admin system?

Post Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:17 am

I would say that this wouldnt work. Whenever an admin would get out of the base, any person nearby it would crash. Also, I dont know how the game would react if a player goes where the base is...

In fact, the best way to make a not crashing Admin System is to make a system where you can have whatever you wish, but that it is only available to an already existing (But locked) JG/JH.
Ex : Making a system that is available through the New York -> Magellan Gate in the Badlands. Simply make a mod for Admins and for the Server where the initialworld.ini would unlock this gate (Remove its entry in it) and then change its target gate and system to whatever you want!

Hope that helps,

Post Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:37 am

does this still work when the gate is only viewable for the admins?
And what should i do with the extra .dll file?
Should i install the mod normal with the mod manager or would the server crash if a client connects?

Post Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:38 pm

The purpose of using an existing Gate is to remove crash possibility. If you do make a gate invisible to everyone except admins, well it is most likely to make people crash around the gate whenever an admin uses it.

You can use FLMM without any problem.
And about the dll, I would tell you to search in the Tutorials Forum there are lots of answers there.

Post Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:00 pm

I delted now all the locked jumpgates entries.
But how do i change the jumpgate from new york to magelan to new york my system?
I haven't created a jumpgate in my system either.
Can you explain what i have to change in what files?

Post Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:16 pm

First make your Admin System as please, and make a jumpgate there.
Get the Nickname for it, and open up li01.ini. In it, search for "Li01_to_Iw03" and replace the line "goto = Iw03, Iw03_to_Li01, gate_tunnel_bretonia" to "goto = #sysname#, #gatename#, gate_tunnel_bretonia"

Then it should work.

If you search for ways of making the system, I would tell you to simply look around in the Tutorials Forum or grab Freelancer Explorer or Freelancer System Editor.

Post Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:19 am

I thought about tghe things again and i came to the point that i only want the osirs and the shield.
I thought of something like admins can buy the osiris and the shield.

Here are the files you need

Edited by - guest123 on 3/25/2005 2:20:38 AM

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:43 am

Please help me!

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