Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:53 am by Megistos
Exclusion Zones are areas within asteroid fields or nebulae that are clear of rocks/gas. You find them around bases and so forth. Specify the size of the zone, and then you have to click a button "Link Exclusion" or something similar, haven't used FLE in a while.
A "surprise" is a wreck.
A Light Source is...a light source. Suns don't actually generate any light themselves - the light is made by this light source object, which should always be placed at the same position as the sun to avoid odd effects.
A Population Zone is basically an area where you can meet ships flying around. Set the size and shape, etc, then you have to set the various probabilities of finding a particular patrol (ie you might have a 20% chance of meeting some Corsairs, a 15% chance of meeting Hessians, etc)
Those are all the ones I know of.