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New System - Its Working!

Do you want to start editing Freelancer, but have no clue where to begin? This is the place for you to find things and talk about getting started on Freelancer Modding

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:04 pm

New System - Its Working!

This is for Freelancer Modding for Beginner Forum

Thank You All for your Help - Its Working.

I am now ready to Design My MOD

- I Will Build Ship that can Get Rid of Unwanted Cargo (Jatison)
- Be Able to Destroy ASteroid Fields With the right Weapons
This is done in Rebalance mod New York South Badland Field
- Have Short Cut Hyper Gate that to buy code from space station
Doing a Mission
- Have Engine Fast enough so you do not need trade lanes.
- Ships with... Limited time Cloaking Device & cannot fire when cloacked.
- Missions to Find Artifacts in space and bring back to Stations.
- Plus More Ideas

How DO I Create a new System and link it by a Jump Gates or Jump Holes?
New York ---> to New System

I Wnat to add a new Space station on new system?
With Fuel and Diamonds Commodities

What Software do I Need? to Start it.

I am a Complete beginner (not Anymore)

Edited by - jacques1705 on 9/27/2004 5:29:56 PM

Edited by - jacques1705 on 9/27/2004 5:44:00 PM

Edited by - jacques1705 on 9/28/2004 4:38:18 PM

Edited by - metropolis_mod on 9/29/2004 9:01:22 PM

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:07 am

Now that you did this, could you say how you did all or will this be kept secret or for personal use like PizzaPete's "Monster Mod"?

Or at least release it?

Or give us some good screenies? Like the Asteroid field tht can be destroyed or any other?

Edited by - Friendly_Fire on 9/29/2004 8:08:04 AM

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:19 am

@FF...can you make people pay for using a jumpgate?...or do you think this is another hoax

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:04 am

@Dark_Shadow : BS meter rising

I don't think so, I don't think so...

Might this be PizzaPete with another name???
Could a mod/admin check the ips again?
Will Trent fall in love with Juni?
All this and more tomorrow!!!

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:07 pm

I am curious how he is posting with two names. jacques1705 and metropolis_mod are one and the same.

Can you edit it to one thread please.

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:40 pm

Its not a Secret,

I Need to Finish my Programing and Make sure it Works
Before I Release the First Mod.

Still Designing Metropolis....

Post Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:57 pm

I Have not worked out the codes yet

But I Know it is Possible

When you Play the 1st Mission All Gates are Locked
When Complete the Mission with Walker or Capture Ashcote
Juni Give the code to Unlock the Gate.

I am sure I can Create a Mission at a space station
to Unlock a perticular gate

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:04 am

Then THIS would be possible, but in SP ONLY.

That means get into the storyline and modify the triggers...

Possible but hard with limited effects.

But for the fiding cargo mission, impossible. You can only make NPCs carry cargo that you need to haul back to a base. no way to make new missions types.

Edited by - Friendly_Fire on 9/30/2004 5:05:49 AM

Post Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:18 am

i am starting to agree about the " BS meter"...seems a little hoaky to me..shady if ya know what i'm sayin...but who knows right.

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

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