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Here you can discuss tactics and strategies to best beat your opponents. What is the best loadout for each ship? How do you use "Reverse Thrust" and "Sliding"?

Post Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:18 am


I keep getting killed in the third mission after getting sucked into a black thing. How do I keep from getting sucked in?

Post Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:19 am

You need to get suckked in!

Take a Crusader and a load of screamers, ignore the fighters and blast the hell out of the power core on the gate then get yourself sucked back - sorted!


Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:56 am

Well, alternatively, you may ignore angry remarks of Steiner (he'll send a positive report on you anyway) and engage the fighters (the Vampires are not too active in this respect) thus increasing your kill score. I even took out capships except for the cruiser (you can only finish off the subtargets on her). Then calmly, without anyone distracting you, deal with the power core.

Life is sexually transmitted

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:15 am

OK, OK you could do that BUT if you're having trouble with this mission I suggest you stick with the conventional gameplan!

Ban REVERSE THRUST! Fly something other than a phoenix for a change!

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